ESF Memo 27/20
Dear Project Promoter,
Currently when participant records have been entered and saved the database marks them as complete, that is, the records show a green tick against the participant details on the screen and are recorded as complete on an export report.
This was misleading as it appeared to indicate that the record had been submitted and has led to some records not been submitted onto the database. This had no effect on the number of records counted for performance monitoring as the performance team count all records saved. However as the database validation rules only apply after the records have been submitted this has led to errors in data entered not been detected on any saved only records.
For enrolments after 1 April 2020 a modification has been made to the export report to show the date submitted and projects should use this to ensure that all future saved records have been submitted and thus all database validation rules have been applied. Participants enrolled on or after 1 April 2020 will only be counted if they have been submitted. The rules regarding not submitting records of participants enrolled under the relaxed criteria for NEETs and CFSP projects as set out in ESF Memo 14/20 still apply.
Records that have been submitted will be identifiable with a date in the date submitted column on the export report. A bulk update to enter a submitted date for all complete records with start dates between 1 April 2020 and 12 August 2020 will be applied. The date used for this was the date last updated by the Project.
A bulk upload for participant records with start dates prior to 1 April 2020 will not be applied although all records prior to this date will continue to count towards performance monitoring
At each stage of a participant’s progress on the project the record will be updated; to make changes to participant details and record milestones such as exit details and immediate and longer term results indicators. When a change is made the database automatically removes the submitted status and will only re-populate once the amended record is saved and re-submitted. Projects must ensure that all changes are saved and the record re-submitted.
If you have any questions on this or would like to talk through the functionality of the export reports please give me a call on 028 9025 7817 or e-mail
Sarah Sheppard
ESF Project Delivery Branch
Q and A - Addendum published on 14 January 2021
Why is it necessary to submit each record?
When participant records have been entered and saved the database marks them as complete i.e. the records show a green tick against the participant details on the screen and are recorded as complete on an export report. This is misleading as it appeared to indicate that the record had been submitted when that is not the case. A completed record only advises if all required fields have data entered to them and gives no assurance that the data entered is valid.
Once a record it complete it must be submitted. The database validation rules only apply after the records have been submitted, these validation rules check the data and eliminate errors.
If there is an error in the data or the record is incomplete Projects will be unable to submit that record until the error is rectified or the record is completed.
Does viewing a record remove the date submitted?
No - the date submitted would only be removed if you edited the record or hit the save button as save is not considered submission, however if you left the record open and did nothing for 15 minutes the auto-save feature would kick in which would also remove the date submitted. It is therefore advisable to resubmit after viewing to ensure that the record remains submitted
Am I correct in saying that once the document is uploaded then the record must be re-submitted?
Yes - if a document is selected and shown on screen ready for upload, the user must click submit, save only will result in the submitted date being cleared.
Can a record be re- submitted on locked records?
No - in cases where an IRI or LTRI is added to a participant’s record who is currently participating on another project (locked record) this will remove the submitted date and projects will not be able to resubmit.
In such cases projects should inform the performance team of this and these records will continue to be counted for performance monitoring purposes. Projects will be asked to revisit these when the record becomes unlocked
Can the record be re submitted on request using an ESIF-R1 form if the record is locked?
No - the Administrative Edit function of database does not allow for the Performance Team to submit a record. This can only be initiated by the user in their form on the public side of the system.
For this reason it is essential that Projects ensure that when exiting a participant from their Project they check that the date submitted field is populated.