Dear Project Promoter,
We have provided responses to some frequently asked questions around the arrangements for the commencement of Call 3 and the closure of Call 2.
While the majority of these relate to the performance monitoring module of the ESIF database some other areas are also covered.
This document will be continually reviewed and as such you should refer back to it regularly as it may be updated between now and the beginning of Call 3.
Queries over and above what is covered here should be sent to the Call 3 mailbox
Kind regards,
Sarah Sheppard
Performance Manager
Project Delivery Branch
ESF Call 3 Frequently Asked Questions and Closure of Call 2
Q Will the existing ESIF system still be in place or a new system? If new do we need training for it?
A: Yes you will be using the same ESIF system and the same procedures will be in place therefore no training is required. You can contact the help desk at and request a copy of the procedures for adding and amending participants.
Q: If there are two separate Calls on the ESIF database to record participant’s information, how do I differentiate between Call 2 and Call 3?
A: It will be the same database but you will use your Call 2 reference number to access Call 2 performance data and your Call 3 reference will access Call 3 data. Instructions on how this will work in practice will issue in due course.
Q How do I gain access to the Call 3 section of the database?
A: Memo 06/22 provides instruction on how this access will be managed.
Q: What date will the database close for inputting Call 2 participant’s data?
A: The final date when all Call 2 information must be updated to the Performance module of the ESIF database is likely to be late 2022 to allow LTRIs to be recorded. We will update you on the final cut off point closer to the time.
Q: What are the final dates for the recording of participants on the ESIF database for Call 2 for inclusion in the final Call 2 monitoring letter?
A: The final monitoring for Call 2 will start on 8 April 2022 - this is when the first download of data will be taken and will used to inform the final monitoring round in Call 2. A second download will be taken on 15 April 2022 and you will have until this date to upload any participant data you wish to include in the final monitoring round.
Q: What happens if we start a participant in Call 2 but will continue working with them in Call 3?
A: You must exit these individual participants with an into education outcome in Call 2. These participants should then be added as new participant on the Call 3 section of the Performance Monitoring module of the ESIF database.
Q: Is there an automated process for uploading Call 2 participants who will continue as new participants in Call 3
A: These participants won’t be uploaded automatically. Projects will be required to enrol participants in the normal way.
Q: What if there is a delay in receiving evidence to support immediate results indicators for those who exit the project at the end of Call 2
A: You should still record these in the Call 2 section of the database when the evidence is available, however you should note that the cut-off date for including these results on your monitoring letter is 15 April 2022.
Q: Can we use or amend the paperwork for participants who moved across from Call 2 to Call 3?
A: No, a new PTP form is required and must be signed and dated by the participant. If a wet signature is not obtained then you must have an accompanying e-mail confirming that the details are correct from the participant.
Q: We are registering a lot of new participant in the last few weeks of Call 2 what should we put on their PTP’s when most of them will be carried forward into Call 3?
A: The PTP for the participants when they enrol in Call 2 will note the content of the Call 2 element of the project and have an objective of moving them forward to completing the final element in Call 3. At the end of Call 2 they should be signed of as having completed that element of the project. Complete a new PTP for call 3 at the beginning of April stating that they have completed part of the activity under the previous call and are now being enrolled to complete the final part.
Q: Is there revised documentation for Call 3?
A: No – the performance documentation will be the same, it will just be updated to reflect the new Call 3 i.e. PTPs, IRI/LTRI declarations.
Q: Why is it important to upload all evidence in support of enrolments (PTPs) and IRI and LTRI (declarations) when the information is available to us in Call 3?
A: The availability of relevant evidence is a vital component in the verification of data reported in the Annual Implementation Report (AIR). The absence of this evidence at the verification period may result in an error rate being extrapolated across all performance data reported in the AIR and may lead to penalties being applied to the project.
Q: Will ESF make any changes to the existing guidelines that we need to follow. Or do we use the current guidelines?
A: Current guidelines will apply for performance monitoring. The Call 3 Guidance Note 1 and operating manual will be uploaded to the website prior to the start of Call 3. There may be some new requirements with regards to claims. Claims team will deal with any queries relating to claims or review recent memos on the DfE website
Q: Some school are changing from using ULNs to UPNs - is ULNs still a requirement for Call 3?
A: There are no plans to remove the requirement to provide a ULN for each participant. ULN. Even if the ULN is in the same format as UPN the ULN is still required so we can compare ESF participants with Peace IV participants. In instances where the young person has no ULN one will have to be created.