ESF Information Memo 02/22 - ESIF Database modification - secure upload of ESF documentation
European Social Fund Information Memo 02/22 - ESIF Database modification - secure upload of ESF documentation, published on 4 January 2022.
Dear Project Promoter,
This Memo is to advise you that we have made a modification to the Performance Monitoring module of the ESIF database to allow projects access to a non-participant area of the module for the uploading of project specific documents. This will allow easy access for projects to provide documentation requested to PDB and the MA for verification and other purposes.
Projects should only upload documents requested and not use the facility to upload documentation which is currently collected as part of the participant enrolment process such as passports, PDPs etc.
Access to these documents is restricted to one permission within each Project. Documents will be visible to both the project on the public system, and by ESF Performance Monitoring Team on the MIS system, using the existing ESF Monitoring Priority 1 and 2 area of the system.
This facility should not be used to submit claims and claims related documentation which should continue to be submitted as normal via the secure globalscape facility.
Annex A provides screenshots on how the new function works in practice. Queries regarding this new facility should be directed to
Kathleen McStravick
Project Delivery Branch
Annex A - Uploading requested documentation to the ESIF database
On this screen you as the project owner will be able to view and or delete documents you have uploaded for project monitoring and will be able to upload new project documents as and when required.

To access this area please see an additional option titled Project Monitoring Documents.

On clicking the button users will be taken to a screen showing a list of the selected project's “project monitoring” documents.

As this is a specific upload area that allows for easy and secure uploading of project documents required for Verification purposes only and Access to these documents would be restricted to the Project Owner and the current database admin users. It will remove the requirement to send specifically requested documents via globalscape.
You should note however that you will and should continue to submit all claims and claims related documentation as normal via globalscape.