Dear Project Promoter,
JobStart scheme is a scheme run by the Department for Communities to help young people, aged 16-24 years, who are at risk of long term unemployment get into the job market.
I am aware that a number of ESF participants have taken part in the pilot scheme and that others will join the scheme as it progresses. This memo is intended to provide guidance with regards participation on the JobStart scheme and the recording of Immediate Result Indicators (IRIs) and Long Term Result Indicators (LTRIs).
In certain circumstances a participant may participate on both the JobStart scheme and an ESF project simultaneously. If a participant is offered a JobStart placement during their time on an ESF project, and there is still an identified need for the ESF project to assist the participant while they are on JobStart, there is no requirement to exit the ESF project. If there is no identified requirement for help then the participant should exit the ESF project.
If a participant is enrolled on JobStart, and they then wish to participate on an ESF project then they may be able to get support to address their assessed needs in circumstances where this support is not already provided by JobStart. Projects are expected to demonstrate this. However participants on JobStart will not be able to join NEETs or CFSP projects as these participants are not able to be in any form of employment, employment or training when they enrol.
As the purpose of JobStart is to help improve the young people’s employment skills and potential to get a job or progress into further education or training, those exiting an ESF project and commencing on the JobStart scheme within 4 weeks of exit should be recorded as into education or training.
At the six month LTRI observation point the project should carry out an assessment to determine if the JobStart opportunity has led to a permanent contract of employment. If this is the case an LTRI outcome of into employment may be recorded. If the job is still temporary an outcome of into education or training should be used.
The JobStart scheme period for people with a disability is nine months therefore these participants at the six month LTRI observation point should be recorded on the ESF database as into education or training if their employment has not been made permanent at that stage.
If you have any queries on this please send them to
Kathleen McStravick
ESF Performance Monitoring Team