ESF Information Memo 09/22 - Performance monitoring - updating participant data
Guidance for projects around performance monitoring. Published 15 March 2022 and updated 30 March 2022.
Dear Project Promoter
Call 2 close
You will have recently seen that the dates for the Year 4 Quarter 4 data downloads have been extended. The first lift will now be taken on the morning of Friday 15 April 2022. By this date all Call 2 participants must be entered, exited and submitted to the database.
For those participants whose Immediate and Longer Term results indicators are known at this time these should be uploaded to the database to allow them to be counted in the end monitoring round for Call 2. All IRI and LTRI uploaded to the database, on a submitted record, by close of play on Thursday 5 May 2022 will be counted in the Call 2 end monitoring round. The data contained in this monitoring report will be used to populate the performance monitoring section of the ESF Call 2 – Project Closure Report.
To ensure that a true and accurate picture of your project's performance is included in the Call 2 end monitoring report and the project closure report I would strongly suggest that each project takes an export of their data in the lead up to 15 April 2022. Using the export you should ensure that there is a PTP and supporting evidence uploaded, an end date, IRI declaration or evidence uploaded where applicable and a date submitted for every Year 4 participant.
Access to update Call 2 data on the Performance Monitoring module of the database will continue until late 2022. Any outstanding IRI or LTRI should be entered onto the database when they become available. A closure monitoring report will issue at the end of 2022 showing the final Call 2 monitoring position for each project.
The data that will be used to inform your Call 2 end monitoring reports will be taken on the morning of Friday 6 May 2022.
The bulk update function on the main page of the performance monitoring module can be used to add the exit date for groups of participants. Each IRI declaration will have to be individually uploaded to each record. It is at this point, when the declaration or evidence has been saved to the record, that you should conduct a final check of the record and submit it to the database.
Any participant who is exiting Call 2 and enrolling on Call 3 should be recorded with an outcome of into education or training. A completed IRI declaration should then be uploaded. Projects who are completing IRI’s on behalf of participants should ensure that both signatory sections are completed.
Call 3 commencement
All Call 3 main users have now been identified and linked to the Call 3 application on the database. The performance monitoring module for Call 3 became active on 1 April 2022.
Main users can now select other users for their project. If you have new administrators who did not have access in Call 2 they must register to the website. Once they have their logon details they will appear in the administrators drop down list of users for selection.
For each participant enrolling in Call 3 you will have to create a new record. There is no link to the Call 2 data and no bulk transfer can be offered.
Each participant will require a new PTP and each new PTP must be signed or, as per ESF information Memo 18/21, be accompanied by an e-mail confirming the accuracy of its contents, their agreement to participate and the new start date.
The first official data lift for Call 3 will be in July 2022. A memo confirming download dates for Call 3 will issue shortly.
If you have any queries on this please send them to and we will come back to you.
Sarah Sheppard
ESF Project Delivery Branch