ESF Information Memo 01/23 - ESF Call 3 closure - guide with key dates

Advice on ESF Call 3 closure and guide with key dates. This memo was published on 15 February 2023.

Dear Project Promoter

ESF Call 3 closure – guide with key dates

As we prepare the final monitoring letters of Call 3 I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support and dedication in delivering against programme targets both in this and previous calls. It has been a pleasure to have worked with you in completing this journey and I wish you every success in what lies ahead for both your project and your staff.   

Case loading and results ESIF database   

Case loading of participants onto the ESIF database for projects will end 17 February. All participants exit date and outcomes should be input by 17 March 2023. This is an administration deadline to allow us to prepare for project closure on 31 March. The deadline does not prevent projects continuing to enrol and support participants up to 31 March if project activity timescales allow. Projects who wish to enter enrolments onto the ESIF database after 17 February should seek the approval of Sarah Sheppard. 

Q4 monitoring letters

A final active data lift will be taken on 20 March 2023 and will form the content of the Q4 letters which will issue in early April.  Projects who are content that all participant activity (enrolments, exits & results) are recorded on the database can request to have their final monitoring letter issued from 17 February. All requests should be sent to

Q4 data verification

A final verification of data will be carried out in early April which will include participants enrolled Jan – March 2023. As there may be limited staff within organisations to deal with verification errors at this time I would encourage you to carry out checks via the export function to ensure that details entered are correct.    

Project closure reports

Project closure reports will issue to all projects after all claims have been vouched  and all valid claims related paperwork has been received (but in advance of claim payment)  This is expected to be four to six weeks after project close. As these reports are an essential EC requirement projects should ensure these are complete and returned ASAP.

Final claims will only be paid once completed Project Closure Reports have been returned to PDB by the project.

Performance mailbox

The Performance Team mailbox will remain open to receive correspondence from projects up to 31 May after that date correspondence may be sent directly to me or Sarah Sheppard. It is expected that the performance team will formally cease on 31 July 2023

A table setting out the key milestones set out in this memo is attached as Annex A

Kathleen McStravick
Head of ESF Performance Management

Annex A - table

Key milestones


Key message

17 February 2023

Case loading on ESIF database ceases

20 February 2023

Data lift

17 March 2023

Exits and Outcome’s input to ESIF database

20 March 2023

Data Lift

31 March 2023

Project Close

10 April 2023

Verification Complete

30 April 2023

Quarter 4 Monitoring Round Complete 

31 May 2023

Mailbox Close

30 June 2023

Closure Reports

31 July 2023

PDB Performance Team Closure

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