Migration and labour market
This section holds the latest DfE analysis on the labour market and migrant workers.
- Joint letter to UK government Minister for Safe and Legal Migration
- DfE Minister response to the Migration Advisory Commitee (MAC) call for evidence on Intra-company Transfers
- Response to the Migration Advisory Committee call for evidence on skills shortages
- Independent review of the impact of changes to UK Migration Policy on the Northern Ireland economy
- Northern Ireland evidence relevant to the UK Government’s immigration white paper
- Infographic and summary analysis of migrant workers in NI
- Northern Ireland Migration, Labour and Skills
- An analysis of migrant workers from the Northern Ireland Census
Other related publications
- NISRA People Movement and Migration
- ONS Living abroad: dynamics of migration between the UK and Ireland
Common Travel Area
This section provides information on cross border people movements.
- Cross Border Movements: The movement of people across the Northern Ireland - Republic of Ireland border
- Background Evidence on the Movement of People across the Northern Ireland - Ireland Border
- Cross Border Movements: Additional Analysis
Other related publications
- Cross Border Shopping Survey (Quarter 1 2018)
- Traffic Counts of Vehicles at the 15 Main Northern Ireland-Ireland Border Crossing Locations
- DExEU Common Travel Area Additional Data Paper
- Atkins Technical Note: Cross Border Travel
Trade and investment
This section provides research and analysis around the area of trade and investment.
- Northern Ireland’s unique market access position
- The relationship between exports, innovation and productivity in small advanced economies: implications for Northern Ireland
- The business journey through year one of EU Exit
- Customs Capacity Study
- Attracting foreign direct investment to Northern Ireland in the context of our post EU exit trading relationships
- The impact on Northern Ireland arising from the UK’s exit from the EU: Partial Equilibrium Modelling
- Northern Ireland International Trade and Investment Patterns – Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC)
- Assessing the impact of EU Exit on the cost of retail goods in Northern Ireland
- Direct economic impact of Northern Ireland Protocol on the NI economy
- Analysing HGV movements between NI and GB using mobile network data
- Customs Capacity Study within Service Providers
- Characteristics of Northern Ireland Firms Engaged in Trade
- The impact of Brexit uncertainty on greenfield FDI-related new jobs in Northern Ireland
- Northern Ireland International Trade and Investment Patterns - Japan
- Northern Ireland International Trade and Investment Patterns
- Northern Ireland Businesses: Trade Flows, Surplus and Deficit
- District Council Area Data
- Analysis of NI Trade in Goods 2016 - 2018
- The Direct Trade Impacts of EU Exit scenarios on Northern Ireland's long term economic performance
- Northern Ireland Trade and Investment data under 'No Deal'
- The potential impacts of Sterling depreciation in a "No Deal" scenario
- Northern Ireland Trade Data - an update
- Irish land border - existing and potential customs facilitations in a no-deal scenario
- The Impact of EU Exit on the attractiveness of FDI to the UK and NI and associated job creation effects
- Northern Ireland Retail Study
- EU Exit and Impacts on Northern Ireland’s Services Trade - Evidence from Services Trade Restrictiveness Indices
- The Annual Purchases Survey in Northern Ireland-Modelling the Origin of Products
- Northern Ireland International Trade in Service - New Perspectives
- Analysis of NI Trade in Goods
- Cross Border Supply Chain Report
The Department for Enterprise, Trade and Investment (DETI) commissioned Oxford Economics to produce an impact analysis of different EU Exit scenarios; this report is available on the Economic Advisory Group website.
DfE has been involved in a range of work being taken forward by NISRA, ONS and InterTradeIreland on trade analysis. Available publications are below.
- Analysis of UK "No Deal" Tariff Schedule in the Context of Cross-Border Trade
- Shock absorption Capacity of Firms in Ireland and Northern Ireland
- NISRA trade slide packs and commentary
- Export Participation and Performance of Firms on the Island of Ireland
- Patterns of Northern Ireland trade by destination, product and business characteristics: 2012 to 2016
- IntertradeIreland Cross Border Trade and Supply Chain Linkages
- IntertradeIreland potential impact of WTO tariffs on cross border trade