2187 publications
Shared Parental Leave and Pay - technical guidance for employers
Shared Parental Leave and Pay (including provisions for time off to attend antenatal appointments and pre-adoption meetings, extension of adoption leave and pay to prospective adopters and surrogate parents. Extension of Right to Request Flexible...
Shared Parental Leave and Pay-time off
Shared Parental Leave and Pay (including provisions for time off to attend antenatal appointments and pre-adoption meetings, extension of adoption leave and pay to prospective adopters and surrogate parents.
Futuretrack - Northern Ireland's students: key findings from the Futuretrack Stage 3 survey
In 2005 the Higher Education Careers Service Unit (HECSU), launched a major programme of research, named Futuretrack, designed to explore the process of entry into and through HE. Futuretrack will follow the progress of students...
Blacklisting regulations NI guidance
The Employment Relations (Northern Ireland) Order 1999 (Blacklists) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2014 (the Regulations) came into operation on 6 April 2014. They were introduced to prohibit the use of ‘blacklists’ in respect of employees or...
Energy Efficiency Directive (equality screening form)
Equality screening form for the Energy Efficiency Directive
Measuring Northern Ireland’s exports
The overarching aim of the current project was to fully utilise and add value to existing sources of Northern Ireland export and export-related data in developing a comprehensive, accessible and robust export report.
Training for Success and Programme-Led Apprenticeships Statistics from September 2007 to October 2013
This Statistical Bulletin is part of a quarterly series published by the Department for Employment and Learning (DEL) to provide key information on the Training for Success (TfS) and Programme-Led Apprenticeships(PLA) programmes in Northern Ireland...
ApprenticeshipsNI statistics from September 2007 to October 2013
ApprenticeshipsNI aims to provide participants with the opportunity to take part in a Level 2/Level 3 Apprenticeship where the apprentice, in paid employment from day one, works towards achieving an industry-approved Level 2/Level 3 Apprenticeship...
AQW-StW Programme Top 25 Organisations ranked by number of individuals enrolled in their programme
To ask the Minister for Employment and Learning for a breakdown of the top 25 organisations, ranked by the number of individuals each has taken on through the Steps to Work programme, in each year...
Qualifications gained at UK Higher Education Institutions: Northern Ireland analysis 2012/13
This statistical bulletin has been produced by the Department for Employment and Learning, Northern Ireland (NI) and provides information on Higher Education (HE) qualifications gained by students at NI Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and by...
Enrolments at UK Higher Education Institutions: Northern Ireland Analysis 2012-2013
This statistical bulletin has been produced by the Department for Employment and Learning, Northern Ireland (NI) and provides information on the number of NI students enrolled at UK Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and the number...
ELMS Guide to surveys
Guide to surveys
Statistical protocols and compliance - data security
Data securityNISRA ELMS confidentiality statementbreaches of the code of practice of official statistics January 2014breaches of the code of practice of official statistics June 2011
OECD Review: Skills beyond school
As part of its Research Agenda 2012-15 the Department for Employment and Learning (DEL) participated in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) review of postsecondary vocational education and training (VET) – ‘Skills beyond...
Steps to Work Statistical Publications - Customer Satisfaction Summary
Steps to Work Statistical Publications - Customer Satisfaction Summary
Connected 2 report and appendices
A Report and Appendices in respect of Connected 2
Northern Ireland Skills Base: International Benchmarking Report Card
This report benchmarks Northern Ireland’s skills base against a number of international economies for a range of indicators for which comparable data is available.
AQW - Details of courses delivered at the Cookstown Campus of the South West Regional College
To ask the Minister for Employment and Learning, pursuant to AQW 27902/11 - 15, to detail the titles of courses delivered at the Cookstown campus of South West Regional College which were included in the...
Air connectivity – literature review
A summary from the Northern Ireland Centre for Economic Policy (NICEP) of the evidence identified on the impact of Air Passenger Duty on air connectivity in Northern Ireland.
Code of ethics for insolvency practitioners
This Code is intended to assist Insolvency Practitioners meet the obligations expected of them by providing professional and ethical guidance.