2169 publications
All Island Liaison Group minutes
Minutes from a meeting of the All Island Liaison group held on the 24th June 2014.
Securing our Success - the Northern Ireland strategy on apprenticeships
Securing our success: Northern Ireland Strategy on Apprenticeships provides the future direction of apprenticeships in Northern Ireland, and sets out the new policy commitments and an implementation plan to ensure their delivery.
Quarterly research review 2013
The Department monitors recently published research publications that have relevance to the work of the Department and, each quarter, produces a list of that research in a Research Review for wider dissemination. These research publications...
Replacement ICT System for Insolvency Service (Equality Screening Form)
Equality screening Form for the Replacement ICT System for Insolvency Service
DETI Performance Outturn 2013-2014
Overall assessment of year end performance measured against the DETI Operating Plan 2013 to 2014
RHI phase 2 consultation responses
DETI has published the responses received to its consultation on phase 2 of the RHI
Employment and Skills Strategies in Northern Ireland – OECD Reviews on Local Job Creation
This report examines the capacity of local employment and training organisations to contribute to our long-term economic strategy, which builds economic resiliency, quality employment and productivity.
DETI Disability Action Plan 2014-2015
Under Section 49B of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, DETI is required to submit to the Equality Commission a disability action plan showing how it proposes to fulfill these duties in relation equality.
Article 39 consent - Tidal Ventures Ltd
Notice of Scoping Opinion under the Offshore Electricity Development (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2008 and under the Marine Works (Environmental Impact Assessment ) Regulations 2007.
Current publication - Gross Disposable Household Income
Regional Gross Disposable Household Income (GDHI) 1997 - 2012 bulletin and data tables - published 4 June 2014
Industrial Training Levy (construction industry) Order (Northern Ireland) 2014
The aim of this policy is to increase levy rate from 0.60% to 0.65% to enable CITB Board to carry out its functions, including the payment of training grant to construction firms.
Small and micro business impact test (SAMBIT)
The small and micro business impact test is an integral part of the wider Regulatory Impact Assessment process and is specifically designed to focus on the specific demands likely to be placed on small and...
Standard cost model guidance
The Standard Cost Model (SCM) – also known as the Dutch model – provides a framework methodology for measuring administrative costs.
Standard cost model annexes
These are annexes to the standard cost model (SCM)
RIA template
This document is to be used by staff who wish to publish a regulatory impact assessment.
Northern Ireland ERDF Investment for Growth and Jobs (IGJ) Programme 2014-2020 (Equality Screening Form)
Equality Screening Form for the Northern Ireland ERDF Investment for Growth and Jobs (IGJ) Programme 2014-2020
Statistical protocols and compliance - user consultation and information
Economic and Labour Market Statistics (ELMS) statistical user group meetings.
Training for Success and Programme-Led Apprenticeships Statistics from September 2007 to January 2014
This Statistical Bulletin is part of a quarterly series published by the Department for Employment and Learning (DEL) to provide key information on the Training for Success (TfS) and Programme-Led Apprenticeships(PLA) programmes in Northern Ireland...
ApprenticeshipsNI statistics from September 2007 to January 2014
ApprenticeshipsNI aims to provide participants with the opportunity to take part in a Level 2/Level 3 Apprenticeship where the apprentice, in paid employment from day one, works towards achieving an industry-approved Level 2/Level 3 Apprenticeship...
Insolvency (NI) Order 2005 (Consequential Amendments) Order (NI) 2014 (Equality Screening Form)
Equality Screening Form for the Insolvency (NI) Order 2005 (Consequential Amendments) Order (NI) 2014