To pay your deposit online please use the link below.
Before you start
If you wish to pay a deposit on-line, you should:
- select 'Debtors bankruptcy' if you are petitioning to make yourself bankrupt
- select 'Creditors bankruptcy' if you are petitioning to make someone who owes you money bankrupt
- select 'Liquidation' if you are petitioning to wind up a company that owes you money.
Additional information
If you do not receive an email containing your receipt within 24 hours of payment please contact:
Related articles
- Alternative to liquidation
- Alternatives to bankruptcy
- Bankruptcy
- Bankruptcy and travelling abroad
- Bankruptcy restrictions
- Cancelling a bankruptcy order
- Code of ethics for insolvency practitioners
- Company liquidation
- Compulsory liquidation
- Creditors of a bankrupt
- Creditors of insolvent companies
- Dear IP Letter 50
- Dear IP Letter 51
- Dear IP Letter 52
- Dear IP Letter 53 - UK Government Sanctions on Russia
- Dear IP Letter 54
- Dear IP Letter 55
- Dear IP Letter 56
- Discharge from bankruptcy
- Effect of bankruptcy
- Employees of bankrupts and insolvent companies
- Form 2.18BA The Insolvency (Northern Ireland) Order 1989 Notice of deemed approval of proposals
- Forms used for making yourself bankrupt
- Insolvency Guidance
- Insolvency guidance papers
- Insolvency practitioner guidance
- Insolvency Service - do it online
- Letters to insolvency practitioners
- Making a complaint against an insolvency practitioner
- Making someone bankrupt
- Making yourself bankrupt
- Monitoring of Insolvency Practitioner Authorising Bodies
- Persons seeking to act as insolvency practitioners
- Recognition under EU directive 2005/36
- SIP Consultations
- Statements of insolvency practice
- Statutory forms used in bankruptcy and proxy forms for individual and company insolvency
- Statutory forms used in compulsory liquidations and proxy forms for individual and company insolvency
- Voluntary liquidation
- Winding-up a company that owes you money
- Winding-up your own company