2169 publications
FE Outcomes - 2021-22
This is the ninth annual survey of FE college leavers in Northern Ireland. Data was collected approximately six months after completing and achieving a regulated qualification, at Level 3 or below, in the 2021/22 academic...
Independent Review of Invest Northern Ireland Action Plan
Department for the Economy has published this Action Plan in response to the Independent Review of Invest NI.
First degree and postgraduate students with narrow STEM qualifications gained at NI HEIs (10X strategic goal): 2017/18 - 2021/22
First degree and postgraduate students with narrow STEM qualifications gained at NI HEIs (10X Strategic Goal) – 2017/18 to 2021/22.
Invest NI Review Action Plan - equality screening
This screening template relates to the Invest NI Action Plan which will address the recommendations made in the Independent Review of Invest NI report (published 11 January 2023).
Development of Approach to 10X Technology and Cluster workstream - equality screening
Choosing technologies where NI has a competitive edge and high growth potential will enable us to capitalise on opportunities presented by local and global trends, positioning NI at the forefront of development in these areas.This...
Careers Occupational Information Unit - Spotlight on Psychometric Testing
Psychometric testing is increasingly used as part of the recruitment and selection process.In this feature, we take a look at what it is, why it is used, common myths, as well as providing some practical...
The relationship between exports, innovation and productivity in small advanced economies: implications for Northern Ireland
This analysis explores the relationship between exports, innovation, and productivity in a small economy context to provide insight into a strategic approach to export promotion in Northern Ireland aligned with the 10x Economy.
Understanding Northern Ireland’s Food Supply Chain/Safety and Agri-Tech capability, and future windows of opportunity
The Department for the Economy commissioned KPMG to prepare this research report. The report aims to facilitate a broader understanding of Northern Ireland’s Food Supply Chain/Safety (FSCS) and Agri-Tech capability, and future windows of opportunity.
Energy Strategy e-bulletin 23
This is the twenty third edition of the Energy Strategy e-bulletin, which aims to keep stakeholders informed about progress on the new Energy Strategy for Northern Ireland.
Offshore Renewable Energy Action Plan SEA Scoping Report
The Department for the Economy has commissioned a Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitat Regulations Assessment (SEA/HRA) for Offshore Renewable Energy in the Northern Ireland Marine Area. As part of this process an SEA Scoping Report...
Careers Occupational Information Unit bulletin - Data Careers
The Careers Occupational Information Unit, within the Careers Service, produces regular bulletins on growing sectors within the economy. This bulletin covers "Data Careers".
Call for Evidence - new Social Economy Work Programme from April 2024
The Department for the Economy funds a Social Economy Work Programme which delivers strategic support to the social enterprise sector. The Work Programme is currently delivered on the Department’s behalf by Social Enterprise Northern Ireland...
Further Education Sector activity in Northern Ireland by Local Government District: 2017/18 to 2021/22 - tables
The tables presents a range of analysis regarding enrolments and students in the Northern Ireland further education sector covering academic years 2017/18 to 2021/22.
Careers Occupational Information Unit newsflash - social housing careers
Social housing - a career option within the Health and Social Care family.The Careers Occupational Information Unit (COIU), within the Careers Service, produces regular publications on developments within the NI economy.
Higher Level Apprenticeships at further education equality tables
Further education Higher level Apprenticeship (HLA) equality tables have been produced in response to a request from the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland (ECNI) for its ‘Measuring Equality in Northern Ireland’ monitoring framework.
Research Bulletins 2023
Research Bulletins are short analytical articles on topical economic and labour market issues. They help to build understanding of current trends and raise awareness of research and analysis carried out.
Employment and earnings outcomes of ApprenticeshipsNI achievers
This ad hoc report presents analysis from a one-off data linkage pilot project linking ApprenticeshipsNI (AppsNI) records with employment and earnings data.Analysis covers participants from the DfE-funded AppsNI programme who achieved a full apprenticeship framework...
10X Economy: A further open call for research proposals
In October 2022, the Department for the Economy published its research programme “A 10X Economy - Research Programme 2022-23 and Beyond”. This highlights the key research areas as the department seeks to deliver on its...
Disability Action Plan 2022-2027
This plan sets out what the department will do to fulfill its obligations in respect of its disability duties under Section 49A of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995.
Audit of Inequalities 2022-2027
The department's Audit of Inequalities and associated Action Plan provide a strategic overview of inequalities and set out the actions by which we intend to address inequality.