2164 publications
Equality screening - DfE Resource Budget 2022-2023
Equality screening in regards to DfE Resource Budget 2022-2023.
Online job posting trends 2023
A factsheet has been produced that details monthly online job posting trends across Northern Ireland. It includes an assessment of selected sectors as well as skills in demand. Some of the latest online job postings...
Further Education Sector Activity in Northern Ireland by Local Government District: 2017/18 to 2021/22
The fact sheet presents a range of analysis regarding enrolments and students in the Northern Ireland further education sector covering academic years 2017/18 to 2021/22.
Partnership Agreement - Department for the Economy (DfE) and the Construction Industry Training Board Northern Ireland (CITB NI)
This document sets out the partnership arrangements between CITB NI and the Department for the Economy. In particular, it explains the overall governance framework within which CITB NI operates, including the framework through which the...
Energy Strategy Action Plan 2023
This is the Energy Strategy Action Plan 2023 and follows on from the recently published report Energy Strategy Action Plan 2022. It outlines the priority areas of action and the associated tasks for delivery in...
Careers Service - Year at a Glance infographic 2022/23
Infographic showing the Department for the Economy's Careers Service 2022-23 "Year at a glance".
ESF Information Memo 02/23 - document retention
Guidance to ESF programme 2014-2020 project promoters regarding the retention of documents.
Issue 26 - Electricity Consumption and Renewable Generation in Northern Ireland January 2022 to December 2022
This publication presents information on Renewable Electricity Generation for Northern Ireland. It details information on the percentage of electricity consumption in Northern Ireland generated from renewable sources as well as information on the type of...
Young People inequalities in the Northern Ireland skills system
A presentation outlining research around skills inequalities in young people (16-24), in Northern Ireland.
Level 2 Traineeships NI academic year 2021/22
This publication presents analysis on the first year of Level 2 (L2) Traineeships. The NI Traineeship is a full-time Level 2 vocational education training offer and is delivered at Further Education (FE) colleges. The statistics...
Energy Strategy Action Plan 2022 report
This report outlines the progress made against each of the 22 Action Points over the last year by central government and partners, from the Energy Strategy Action Plan 2022. The actions for 2022 concentrated on...
Annual Report for the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers 2022
As a signatory to the Concordat for the Support of Career Development of Researchers Development, DfE reviews its compliance with the principles of the Concordat and submits a short annual report on how we as...
Q4 2022 Research Digests
The department monitors recently published relevant research reports and, each quarter, produces a summary in the Research Digests for wider dissemination.
Higher Education Support Funds - Conditions of funding for Higher Education Institutions in Northern Ireland
This guidance sets out the conditions for Support Funds provided by the Department for the Economy (DfE) to Higher Education Institutions in Northern Ireland.
2023 ESF case study - Disability Action 1 - Dutch translation
Job Match is a project delivered by Disability Action which supports economically inactive or unemployed people with a disability as their primary barrier to paid employment.
Privacy notice - Trading Standards Service’s Scams Project
This privacy notice applies to the function of the Trading Standard Service’s (TSS) Scams Project. TSS works in partnership with the National Trading Standards (NTS) Scams Team, hosted by Surrey County Council, and helps tackle...
Terms of Reference for QUB Critical Minerals Research and Stakeholder Engagement
Terms of reference for QUB Critical Minerals research and stakeholder engagement.
QUB Critical Minerals Research and Stakeholder Engagement - frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Frequently asked questions (FAQs) for QUB Critical Minerals Research and Stakeholder Engagement.
DfE monthly economic update - 2023
DfE's Analytical Services Unit produces a monthly economic update which analyses the main trends and events arising each month, both in the local economy and also any national or global economic events which will impact...
ApprenticeshipsNI statistics from August 2013 to July 2022
This Statistical Bulletin is part of a biannual series published by the Department for the Economy (DfE) to provide key information on the ApprenticeshipsNI 2013 and 2017 programmes and contains data up to the end...