2164 publications
Investigating the potential for an offshore wind supply chain in Northern Ireland
The Department for the Economy funded the Fraser of AIlander Institute (FAI) at the University of Strathclyde to undertake independent research to investigate the potential for an offshore wind supply chain in Northern Ireland. This...
Potential of solar photovoltaic (PV) in the Belfast area
Following the receipt of a research proposal from Gordon Ingram Associates (GIA) as part of the department’s 10X Economy Open Call for research proposals in December 2022. The Department for the Economy funded GIA to...
Higher Education statistical fact sheets - open data tables
This publication provides the data from Higher education statistical fact sheets available in open data format.
Careers Occupational Information Unit - Spotlight on Economics
The Careers Service has published "Spotlight on Economics", the latest in a series of subject-based career guides. This publication showcases the benefits of studying economics and the wide range of careers options the subject opens...
Smart meters cost/benefit analysis report
The Department for the Economy committed in Action 20 of the Energy Strategy 2022 Action Plan to “carry out a cost/benefit analysis of electricity and gas smart meters” in Northern Ireland which was completed in...
Apprenticeships in Northern Ireland fact sheet
The Apprenticeships in NI Fact Sheet provides a summary of the DfE funded apprenticeships. Provision ranges from Level 2 apprenticeships up to Level 7 Higher Level Apprenticeships. It reports on the number of apprenticeship starts...
10X Economy: An open call specifically for energy research proposals
In December 2021, DfE published the Energy Strategy for Northern Ireland – The Path to Net Zero Energy and one of the commitment statements within the Energy Strategy is: “We will produce a comprehensive energy...
FE Circular 08/23 - timetabling requirements
Guidance for FE colleges on timetabling requirements.
Further Education Sector activity in Northern Ireland by Assembly Area: 2017/18 to 2021/22
The tables presents a range of analysis regarding enrolments and students in the Northern Ireland further education sector covering academic years 2017/18 to 2021/22.
Older people Inequalities in the Northern Ireland Skills System
A presentation outlining research around skills inequalities in older people (50+) in Northern Ireland.
DfE gifts and hospitality register
The Department for the Economy's gifts and hospitality register.
Transitioning to a greener economy – a skills perspective
Research project led by Energy and Utility Skills investigating the skills required for a transition to an advanced zero emission, indigenous diverse energy secure and circular economy in Northern Ireland. It provides the intelligence needed...
Privacy Notice - Apprenticeships Marketing and Development Branch
Privacy Notice for Apprenticeships Marketing and Development Branch 2023 Stakeholder Survey.
Careers Occupational Information Unit bulletin - Food Careers
The Careers Occupational Information Unit (COIU), within the Careers Service, produces regular bulletins on key sectors within the economy. This bulletin covers "Food Careers" in Northern Ireland and is published along with a "Key Takeaways"...
FE Circular 05/23 - Step Up project
This circular introduces the newly-formed project Step Up. Step Up is funded through the New Deal for Northern Ireland funding package and managed by the Department for the Economy. The funding covers the financial year...
Issue 27 - Electricity Consumption and Renewable Generation in Northern Ireland April 2022 to March 2023
This publication presents information on Renewable Electricity Generation for Northern Ireland. It details information on the percentage of electricity consumption in Northern Ireland generated from renewable sources as well as information on the type of...
Research on the future of tourism in Northern Ireland
Research undertaken by EY to present the added value of tourism in the context of Northern Ireland’s economic vision, to identify key challenges by 2030 and identify international best practice that could inform government policy.
Project Gigabit NI public review - request for information
The Department for the Economy is conducting a public review to inform a new procurement exercise to extend coverage of gigabit-capable broadband across Northern Ireland. The data table shows how the department has assessed broadband...
Energy Strategy e-bulletin 22
This is the twenty second edition of the Energy Strategy e-bulletin, which aims to keep stakeholders informed about progress on the new Energy Strategy for Northern Ireland.
Higher Level Apprenticeship at Higher Education Institutions Statistical Fact Sheet 2021/22
The Higher Level Apprenticeship (HLA) Statistical Fact Sheet covers provision of HLAs at level 6 and 7 across the academic years 2018/19 to 2021/22. It reports on HLAs delivered at higher education institutions (HEIs) in...