2169 publications
Partnership agreement between DfE and Consumer Council NI
Partnership agreement between the Department for the Economy and Consumer Council NI.
Extension of funding attributed to additional 893 students for Financial Years 2024/2025-2027/2028 at the Magee campus
Equality screening of the extension of funding (c£12.1M) attributed to the additional 893 students for Financial Years 2024/2025-2027-2028 at the Magee campus of Ulster University.
Lantra review of National Occupational Standards for Animal Technology
Lantra review of the National Occupational Standards (NOS) for Animal Technology
Draft Tourism Strategy 10 Year Plan - analysis of consultation responses
In August 2022, the Department for the Economy commenced work to develop a Tourism Strategy that would lead our local tourism industry through the next decade.The strategy is designed to be a roadmap which seeks...
Magee Taskforce interim report
Expansion of the Derry - Londonderry Campus of Ulster University, Magee Taskforce Interim report.
Level 4 and Level 5 and Higher Education in Further Education - Summary of consultation responses
This document sets out responses to DfE’s public consultation on Level 4 and Level 5 and Higher Education in Further Education (HE in FE). The consultation sought views on the purpose and principles of Level...
DfE Business Plan 2024-25
The Department for Economy’s (DfE) 2024/25 Business Plan provides a forward look over the next three years and sets out what DfE needs to do to deliver growth for the economy in Northern Ireland.
Public appointment - NI Screen - Members competition
The Department for the Economy (DfE) is seeking to appoint eight members to the board of NI Screen. It is expected that four board members will be appointed on 16 December 2024 and a further...
FE Outcomes 2022-23
This is the tenth annual survey of FE College Leavers in Northern Ireland. Data was collected approximately six months after completing and achieving a regulated qualification, at Level 3 or below, in the 2022/23 academic...
Innovation Language – Behavioural Science research exploring Micro and SMEs language barriers to, and facilitators of, understanding and identifying innovation.
The Innovation Language research, conducted by Innovation Lab (now part of Innovation Consultancy Services), is a behaviourally informed study, positioned within the context of Northern Ireland, focusing on engagement with two specific user groups; micro...
FE Circular 09/24 - Multiply programme coding guidance
This circular provides information to FE colleges on coding intended for use as part of the Multiply programme. This includes all initiatives being delivered at the college, regardless of whether or not accreditation is offered.
FE 08/24 Arrangements for the provision of free meals in FE colleges
This circular updates the eligibility criteria which will be used to determine eligibility for free meals and refreshments in further education colleges. It replaces the previous Circular FE 06/17 and should be used as the...
FE 06/24 - Hardship Fund (Discretionary) - 2024/25
This circular sets out terms and conditions for the payment of the Hardship Fund (Discretionary) from 1 August 2024 and supersedes previous guidance.
FE 05/24 - FE grants 2024/25
This circular provides information and guidance on further education grants and supersedes FE Circular 06/23.
Skills for Life and Work statistics August 2022 to April 2024
The Department for the Economy provides statistics on the Skills for Life and Work programme in Northern Ireland.
Research Bulletins 2024
Research Bulletins are short analytical articles on topical economic and labour market issues. They help to build understanding of current trends and raise awareness of research and analysis carried out.
Q2 2024 Research Digests
The department monitors recently published relevant research reports and, each quarter, produces a summary in the Research Digests for wider dissemination.
Equality screening-Utility Regulator (Support for Decarbonisation Preparation) Bill
Equality Screening Template – Section 75 of Northern Ireland Act 1998 for Utility Regulator (Support for Decarbonisation Preparation) Bill.
Careers Occupational Information Unit - Spotlight on Accounting
The Careers Service has published "Spotlight on Accounting", the latest in a series of subject-based career guides. This publication showcases the benefits of studying accounting and the wide range of careers options the subject opens...
ApprenticeshipsNI statistics from August 2017 to January 2024
This Statistical Bulletin is part of a biannual series published by the Department for the Economy to provide key information on the ApprenticeshipsNI 2013 and 2017 programmes and contains data up to the end of...