Design considerations for a renewable electricity support scheme for Northern Ireland: response
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The introduction of a renewable electricity support scheme will enable Northern Ireland to be a truly competitive and attractive option for investment. By establishing the main mechanism for encouraging investment in renewable electricity, a new support scheme would be the catalyst to lower carbon emissions and grow the green economy.
This publication outlines the wider policy objectives of the new scheme, the intended features underpinning the scheme design, as well as an illustrative auction roadmap of renewable generation to be procured under the support scheme by 2030.
This marks a key milestone towards delivering on the 80% by 2030 renewable electricity consumption target set out in the Climate Change Act (Northern Ireland) 2022.
This publication has a dual purpose. First, it provides an overview of the feedback received on the consultation Design Considerations for a Renewable Electricity Support Scheme for Northern Ireland published by the department in February 2023.
Secondly, it presents the intended high-level design for the scheme which was developed on the basis of the independent analysis commissioned by the Department for the Economy, as well as the feedback received from stakeholders through the public consultation process and direct engagement.
The next phase of scheme development will involve technical modelling and a financial impact assessment, alongside the establishment of the legislative pathway, State Aid approval, and institutional roles and responsibilities necessary for delivery.