1590 results
Trading Standards warns travellers to check cabin baggage size before leaving for the airport
With holidays approaching, the Department for the Economy’s Trading Standards Service (TSS) today warned airline...
Northern Ireland Composite Economic Index Quarter 4 2018 published
The NI Composite Economic Index (NICEI) Q4 2018 was published today by the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research...
EOS launches Assured Skills Academy offering 20 high quality training places
Banbridge company EOS IT Solutions is collaborating with Southern Regional College (SRC) to offer 20 high quality...
Invest NI Board reappointments
Deborah Lange, Mark Nodder, Mark Sweeney, Padraig Canavan, Brian Baird and Judith Totten have been reappointed for a...
All Ireland Scholarships open for applications
The All Ireland Scholarships Scheme for students in Northern Ireland is now open for applications.
Competition to appoint new Chairperson to the Board of Invest Northern Ireland launched
The Department for the Economy have launched a public appointments competition to recruit a new Chairperson for Northern...
New limits announced for unfair dismissal and redundancy payments
In an Order made by the Department for the Economy, payments and awards made to workers in employment rights cases are...
Department for the Economy, Alchemy Technology Services and North West Regional College open training Academy
Alchemy Technology Services and North West Regional College in Derry/Londonderry have launched a third Assured Skills...
Northern Ireland Economic Output Statistics
The economic output statistics were published today by the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA).
Northern Ireland Broad Economy Sales and Exports Statistics: Goods and Services Results 2017
The latest experimental Broad Economy Sales and Exports Statistics (BESES) for 2017 were published today by the Northern...
Labour Market Statistics
The labour market statistics were published today by the Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency.
Electricity Consumption and Renewable Generation in Northern Ireland: Year Ending December 2018
A report detailing the percentage of electricity consumption in Northern Ireland generated from renewable sources has...
Department for the Economy publishes Higher Education Performance Indicator Statistics
The Department has today published a statistical fact sheet: Performance Indicators (PIs) in Higher Education: Student...
Insolvencies in Northern Ireland fall to lowest rate for a decade
New cases of insolvency in Northern Ireland fell for the fourth consecutive year in 2017/18 and to their lowest rate...
Extensions to DfE public appointments
The Department for the Economy has announced extensions to the terms of office of a number of Chairs and Board Members...
Northern Ireland Labour Force Survey – Young People Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)
Statistics on young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) were published today by the Northern...
Department for the Economy publishes Higher Education Statistics
The Department has today published the following statistical bulletins: Enrolments at UK Higher Education Institutions...
Department for the Economy publishes Higher Level Apprenticeship Steady State Activity Statistical Bulletin
The Department for the Economy has today published a statistical bulletin on Higher Level Apprenticeship steady state...
Chair appointed for MATRIX panel
The Department for the Economy has appointed Dr Robert Grundy as the new Chair of the MATRIX panel.
The future of the Non-Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme
The Department for the Economy (DfE) today published its preferred option for the future of the Non-Domestic Renewable...