The Individual Voluntary Arrangement Register is a publicly available register which is shared with credit reference agencies.
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- Discharge from bankruptcy
- Effect of bankruptcy
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- Form 2.18BA The Insolvency (Northern Ireland) Order 1989 Notice of deemed approval of proposals
- Forms used for making yourself bankrupt
- Insolvency Guidance
- Insolvency Service - do it online
- Making a complaint against a bankrupt or disqualified director acting illegally
- Making a complaint against an insolvency practitioner
- Making a complaint against the Insolvency Service
- Making someone bankrupt
- Making yourself bankrupt
- Statutory forms used in bankruptcy and proxy forms for individual and company insolvency
- Statutory forms used in compulsory liquidations and proxy forms for individual and company insolvency
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- Winding-up a company that owes you money
- Winding-up your own company