2169 publications
Enrolments at UK Higher Education Institutions: Northern Ireland Analysis 2010/11
This statistical bulletin has been produced by the Department for Employment and Learning, Northern Ireland (NI) and provides information on the number of NI students enrolled at UK Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and the number...
Dear IP letter 33
The following issues are dealt with in this letter:-increase in insolvency feesreport following final meeting in voluntary liquidation (members’ and creditors’ voluntary liquidation)monies paid into the Insolvency Account exempt from the Department’s administration feeIP Portal...
DETI research agenda 2012-15
This report sets out DETI’s commitment to producing high quality economic research on topical issues facing the local economy.
Weights & Measures Report 1 April 2008 - 31 March 2011
Article 49 of the Weights and Measures (Northern Ireland) Order 1981, (the Order), requires the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (the Department), not less than once in every three years, to report generally about...
Quality and revisions - Manufacturing, Sales and Exports Survey
Manufacturing, Sales and Exports Survey (MSES) quality report and revisions policy documents
AQW - Appointments made by the minister and his predecessor since May 2007
Appointments made by the minister and his predecessor since May 2007.
Quarterly research review 2011
The Department monitors recently published research publications that have relevance to the work of the Department and, each quarter, produces a list of that research in a Research Review for wider dissemination. These research publications...
Quality report for Northern Ireland higher education enrolment and qualifications statistical bulletins
This document provides a summary of how the Department adheres to the UK Statistics Authority code of practice for official statistics and National Statistician's guidance on quality.
Minerals and petroleum annual report 2009-2010
This report describes the geology of Northern Ireland and outlines the history of mineral exploration and the current licensing position. Guidance is also provided for those applying for prospecting and mining/petroleum licences.
Memorandum of Understanding Publications
Publications relating to the Memorandum of Understanding between the UK and ROI Governments on Offshore Renewables
Access to Finance - current publication
Northern Ireland Access to Finance 2007 and 2010 - report and statistical press release published 28 October 2011
List of successful ESF projects 2007-2013 second call
List of successful ESF projects 2007-2013 - second call
Agency workers regulations NI Guidance
The aim of this guidance is to help Agency Workers, Hirers of Agency Workers, and the recruitment sector to understand The Agency Workers Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2011, and the implications and responsibilities for all involved...
FE 14/11 Employer Support Programme 2011/12 to 2014/15
This circular details arrangements for the Department's Employer Support Programme.
Regional Location Guidance (RLG) Publications
Publications relating to Regional Locational Guidance
Destinations of leavers from UK higher education institutions: Northern Ireland analysis 2009/10
This statistical bulletin has been produced by the Department for Employment and Learning, Northern Ireland (NI), using data collected by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). It provides details of the destinations of leavers from...
Sustainable Development Audit - ESF programme 2007-2013
Sustainable Development Audit template for the ESF programme 2007-2013
Northern Ireland European Social Fund 2007 to 2013 publications
Various publications in respect of the Northern Ireland European Social Fund 2007 - 2013
Review of the measurement of soft outcomes in ESF programme for NI 2007-2013
The overall aim of this review was to analyse progress against the measurement of soft outcomes and distance travelled (using the Rickter scale)
Review of Transnationality in ESF programme for NI 2007-2013
The overall aim of this review was to analyse progress against the cross-cutting theme of transnationality, highlight any issues in its delivery and provide recommendations for the programme going forward.