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2109 publications

A second review was carried out by DETI on the NI Better Regulation Strategy and the following report on the review was approved by the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Investment in April 2010.

Published 01 April 2010Policy papers

The purpose of this Code is to provide practical guidance to trade unions and employers on promoting good practice in the conduct of trade union industrial action ballots. Please note that the Code of Practice should be read in conjunction with the associated errata slip.

Published 01 April 2010Guidance literature

The following issue is dealt with in this letter:-

  • EC Regulation on insolvency proceedings

Published 12 March 2010Guidance literature

The following issues are dealt with in this letter:-

Published 12 March 2010Guidance literature

This statistical bulletin has been produced by the Department for Employment and Learning, Northern Ireland (NI), using data collected by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA).

Published 05 February 2010Statistical reports

The bulletin focuses on students enrolled at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in NI and NI domiciled students enrolled at HEIs in the United Kingdom (UK) in the academic year 2008/09. A time series of enrolments covering the period 2004/05 to 2008/09 is also included.

Published 05 February 2010Research and analysis

This circular details arrangements for submitting proposals for the third year (2010/11) of the Department's Innovation Fund: Employer Support Programme.

Published 01 February 2010Circulars

The factsheets show the number of enrolments within each Essential Skills subject, while the bulletins provide further detail into the characteristics of those enrolling and performance statistics for the Essential Skills programme, since the start of the strategy in 2002.&nbs

Published 11 January 2010Statistical reports

This report was commissioned to examine the opportunities and challenges presented to business in Northern Ireland by carbon emissions targets.

Published 01 January 2010Research and analysis

Attitudes to Migrant Workers in Northern Ireland: Results from the Northern Ireland Omnibus Survey: Public attitudes to migrant workers were measured via the NISRA Omnibus Survey 2009.

Published 18 December 2009Research and analysis

The Economic, Labour Market and Skills Impacts of Migrant Workers in Northern Ireland: this research was undertaken by Oxford Economics and found that overall migrant workers have had a beneficial impact on the Northern Ireland labour market, contributing almost 40,000 jobs an

Published 18 December 2009Research and analysis

The Experiences Of Migrant Workers In Northern Ireland: this research was, undertaken by the Institute for Conflict Research and found that the decision to move to Northern Ireland was made mainly (but not solely) for economic reasons.

Published 18 December 2009Research and analysis

This Statistical bulletin presents Northern Ireland (NI) analysis from the ‘Destination of leavers from higher education longitudinal survey of 2004/05 graduates – three and a half years on’.

Published 11 December 2009Statistical reports

The evaluation provides an objective assessment of the performance of the pilot programme and informs the development of a permanent programme per the Programme for Government commitment. The final report was published in September 2009. 

Published 16 October 2009Research and analysis

The following issues are dealt with in this letter:-

Published 08 October 2009Guidance literature

This guidance document is aimed at businesses and advisers who are involved in the service industry, with the main exceptions of financial services, electronic communications, transport, temporary work agencies, healthcare, audiovisual, gambling, and social serv

Published 01 October 2009Guidance literature

The Independent Review of Economic Policy (IREP) was commissioned by the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment, Arlene Foster MLA, in December 2008.

Published 24 September 2009Business plans

Declaration pursuant to Article 7 concerning the temporary provision of services - Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications.

Published 03 September 2009Forms

These statistical bulletins have been produced by the Department for Employment and Learning, Northern Ireland (NI), using data collected by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA).

Published 07 August 2009Statistical reports

This leaflet sets out the information and requirements on the Services Directive, which makes it easier for service providers to set up or offer their services anywhere in the EU.

Published 01 July 2009Guidance literature

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