2187 publications
Developing an Open Innovation Centre for Northern Ireland
Promoting collaboration and knowledge exchange through development of an open innovation centre.
Dear IP letter 34
This letter provides an updated "Handy Hints" relating to the management of cases and sanctions both previously dealt with in Dear IP 32 issued 20 July 2011.
FE 18/12 Priority Sector
This circular provides details of the Department’s revised Priority Sectors and their application to the business support activities delivered by the Further Education sector.
Solar Photvoltaic generating station and biomass sustainability requirements (Equality Screening Form)
Equlaity Screening Form for proposed changes to support for Solar Photvoltaic generating station and biomass sustainability requirements
DETI Performance Outturn 2011-2012
Overall assessment of year end performance measured against the DETI Operating Plan 2011 to 2012.
ESF Mid Term Evaluation 2012
This evaluation was undertaken at the mid-term stage and the findings were used to inform the remainder of the programme which was to reduce economic inactivity and increase workforce skills.
Census of Employment Archived Publications
Archived publicationsUsers should note that the Census of Employment estimates are revised on a biennial basis and therefore the data contained within the archived publications below may have changed since first published. As a result...
Minerals and petroleum annual report 2008-2009
This report describes the geology of Northern Ireland and outlines the history of mineral exploration and the current licensing position. Guidance is also provided for those applying for prospecting and mining/petroleum licences.
FE 01/12 Qualifications required to teach in institutions of further education
This circular outlines the minimum qualifications required, for associate and full-time lecturers, to teach in Further Education Colleges in Northern Ireland.
Destinations of leavers from UK higher education institutions: Northern Ireland analysis 2010/11
This statistical bulletin has been produced by the Department for Employment and Learning, Northern Ireland (NI), using data collected by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). It provides details of the destinations of leavers from...
Smart metering roll out for electricity customers (Equality Screening Form)
Equality Screening Form for Smart metering roll out for electricity customers
Departmental Audit Committee - terms of reference
The Departmental Board has established the Departmental Audit Committee to support its assurance needs and the assurance needs of the Departmental Accounting Officer.
Research agenda 2012-2015
This Research Agenda identifies the key areas of strategically important research that the Department (DfE) will seek to develop over the three year period to 2015. The research areas have been selected specifically to support...
Energy Bill (Northern Ireland) (Equality Screening Form)
Equality Screening Form for the Energy Bill (Northern Ireland)
Performance indicators in higher education: Northern Ireland analysis 2010/11
This statistical bulletin has been produced by the Department for Employment and Learning, Northern Ireland (NI), using data collected by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). It provides a summary of the 2010/11 Performance Indicators...
Essential Skills statistical publications - user consultation summary May 2012
In May 2012, 53 users were consulted, via an online survey (seen Annex 1), in regard to a number of proposed changes to the current Essential Skills publications. The consultation survey was also announced on...
Essential Skills Statistical Publications - Customer Satisfaction Summary May 2012
The aim of the survey was to engage with users to ensure that the publications are published in a relevant, accurate and timely manner. Views were also sought on any improvements or changes that customers...
AQW - Sick absence figures for each grade in University of Ulster and Queen's University
To ask the Minister for Employment and Learning to detail the sick absence figures, as a percentage, of each grade in the departments within the campuses of the University of Ulster and Queen`s University, Belfast...
Improving the quality of foreign direct investment to Northern Ireland
The Department of Enterprise Trade and Investment commissioned fDi Intelligence Ltd to assess the future prospects for attracting high value inward investment to NI.
ORESAP - Post Adoption Statement - Final - July 2012
ORESAP - Post Adoption Statement - Final - July 2012