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2109 publications

The Tourism Statistics Branch Statement of Compliance in relation to the Pre-release Access to Official Statistics Order (Northern Ireland) 2009

Published 18 June 2009Statistical reports

The Department for Employment and Learning has produced labour market profiles and factsheets for each of the Workforce Development Forums (WDFs) in Northern Ireland. A report providing an overview of labour market information for Northern Ireland has also been published.

Published 12 June 2009Statistical reports

The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment is required to prepare an annual general report under Article 372 of the Insolvency (Northern Ireland) Order 1989 on matters within the Insolvency Order.

Published 10 June 2009Corporate reports

Guidance to help local authorities implement the Services Directive.

Published 01 June 2009Guidance literature

The Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR) has issued this guidance to help regulatory bodies who have been identified as a ‘competent authority’ within the scope of the Services Directive in the UK.

Published 01 June 2009Guidance literature

The links below will enable you to access the EU third energy package of legislation concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity and gas (also known as IME 3).

Published 01 May 2009Legislation and regulations

Statement of Intent between the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment, Northern Ireland's 26 District Councils, Local Better Regulation Office and the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills.

Published 26 April 2009Policy papers

The Department monitors recently published research publications that have relevance to the work of the Department and, each quarter, produces a list of that research in a Research Review for wider dissemination.

Published 24 April 2009Research and analysis

This report describes the geology of Northern Ireland and outlines the history of mineral exploration and the current licensing position. Guidance is also provided for those applying for prospecting and mining/petroleum licences. 

Published 31 March 2009Statistical reports

Evaluation of Springvale Community Outreach Initiative (SCOI) Report.

Published 25 March 2009Research and analysis

Detailed investigative research into the management practices currently in use in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Published 01 March 2009Research and analysis

These bulletins provide details of NI domiciled students on HE courses in the UK & ROI and details of students on HE courses in NI Institutions for the academic years 1996/97-2007/08

Published 27 February 2009Research and analysis

This research examines changes in recruitment demand for executive jobs in Northern Ireland. The report presents data for 2005 for the public and private sectors along with comparisons for 2002, 2003 and 2004.

Published 18 February 2009Research and analysis

The following issues are dealt with in this letter:-

Published 13 February 2009Guidance literature

The statistical bulletins below are produced by the Department for Employment and Learning using data collected by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA).

Published 13 February 2009Statistical reports

The Department for Employment and Learning has published two new research papers, which investigate the link between qualifications and their impact on wages and productivity:

Published 12 February 2009Research and analysis

The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (DETI) has prepared an Equality Scheme (June 2003) setting out how it proposes to fulfil the duties required by Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act. The Scheme lists the policies and key activities

Published 09 February 2009Impact assessments

The Department monitors recently published research publications that have relevance to the work of the Department and, each quarter, produces a list of that research in a Research Review for wider dissemination.

Published 29 December 2008Research and analysis

The Department for Employment and Learning has produced labour market profiles for each of the Workforce Development Forums (WDFs) in Northern Ireland. A report providing an overview of labour market information for Northern Ireland has also been published.


Published 17 December 2008Statistical reports

This report presents Northern Ireland specific analysis on the destinations of leavers from higher education three and a half years after graduating in 2002/03.

Published 16 December 2008Statistical reports

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