2022 ESF case study - Upper Springfield Development Trust/GEMS NI - Family First Belfast 2
The Community Family Support Programme (CFSP), Family First Belfast, delivered by the Upper Springfield Development Trust (USDT), is an employability programme focussing on the family. The project works with families to make positive and meaningful changes to improve their lives.
The project is part funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund 2014-2020 and the Department for the Economy.
Participant's story
Here, USDT tells us about a participant who wanted to change job role and the support given to help her work towards her goals.
This participant had always wanted to become a nurse, but she felt that leaving school early had held her back from following her preferred career path. In addition, she lacked confidence and motivation, and also felt that her caring responsibilities would impact her ability to attend classes or training.
During her initial period on the programme, the participant took part in several Zoom activities, through which she had the opportunity to meet new people. As a result, the increased social inclusion had a positive impact on her confidence. Meanwhile, with her mentor’s support, she built a CV, conducted regular constructive job search and explored various training options.
Health and Social Care training and employment
As lockdown eased and training recommenced, the participant’s mentor discussed Health and Social Care (HSC) training which was available with an external agency and explained how she could enroll. Although the participant felt uneasy about leaving CFSP, she enjoyed and successfully completed the HSC training.
The participant returned to CFSP and carried out online job searching where she secured an interview within a care home setting. The participant lacked interview experience, so her mentor arranged a mock interview session which also included advice on interview skills such as researching the company, punctuality and dressing appropriately. The session boosted the participant’s confidence and she went on to secure employment in a nursing home.
The participant hasn’t given up on a career in nursing in the future, but for now her current job works well alongside her home life and caring responsibilities.
In relation to CFSP, she says,
“Thank you for making my experience with CFSP extremely enjoyable, relaxed, approachable, professional, yet personal to me as an individual client. I feel my confidence and self-esteem has improved immensely and this will in turn have a good impact on all aspects of my life, but especially in my working life. As you know I am currently working in a care home setting and I am loving every minute of it. I really believe without your help, guidance, support and encouragement, I would never have taken the ‘leap’ from my previous job.”