2022 ESF case study - Derry Youth and Community Workshop – Learning North West (Engage)
Most people living with a learning disability experience multiple barriers when making the transition into employment. Many are treated as ‘different’ and face huge challenges and prejudice on a daily basis. The Learning North West (Engage) project has been designed to contribute to addressing these issues and aims to identify, engage and mentor participants with learning disabilities who are experiencing these barriers.
This project is part funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014-2020 and the Department for the Economy.
Participant's story
In this case study, Derry Youth and Community Workshop tells us about one of their clients who benefitted from participating on the Engage programme.
This participant first heard of the Engage programme through a friend.
He had completed a degree and wanted employment but felt he needed help due to his disability. The participant was accompanied on his initial meeting as he needed help communicating his needs because the disability he has can make verbal communication a barrier.
They discussed placement options and realised that IT/Administration would be a good option to start with, although his chosen career was in the arts - that would be something he could work towards in the future. He was offered a placement on the programme, initially to work out his particular needs which would allow them to pursue other options in the future. Together, they established the main barriers for him and what employers would need to put in place to enable him to work within their environment.
Work placement and employment
The participant started a guaranteed work placement for 13 weeks. There he worked on social media tasks such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. He also worked on administration for a newsletter which was distributed to staff and clients. With this experience he secured a position with a local charitable organisation.
He has also had a small role in a television programme and made a short video for a charity supporting people with this particular disability, which are all part of his bigger dream. This opportunity will be a real advantage to him in the future when looking for work as he is gaining valuable experience and his ability to do meaningful work is realised.
He states:
“it’s really good to get into employment, it’s great to show what my capabilities are”.