2022 ESF case study - STRIDE - Ulster Supported Employment Limited
The STRIDE project is delivered by Ulster Supported Employment Ltd (USEL). The Project assists people over the age of 16, living with a disability or health condition and who are unemployed or economically inactive, to get and sustain paid work.
The project is part funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund 2014-2020 and the Department for the Economy.
Participant's story
USEL tells us about a participant who joined the STRIDE project and how they benefitted from the support and guidance which was provided.
Earlier this year, whilst experiencing a period of stress and anxiety, the participant’s work coach recommended that she contact USEL, who started her on a programme called STRIDE. The participant was hoping by doing so that she could move into employment.
When signing up for the programme, the participant was lacking in confidence and had low self-esteem. She was unsure of what career she wanted to pursue and what the future held for her.
During her time on the programme, she participated in various mental health workshops, which positively influenced her outlook and perspective. In addition, she received support to develop a CV, support with job search, completing application forms online, interview practice and she also registered to complete a qualification in Maths, something which she was keen to achieve for a number of years.
Developing new skills and gaining a permanent job
With the support from USEL, the participant found that her confidence had grown so much in such a short time and she had developed a number of new skills which would benefit her within the workplace and everyday life. As a result of the support network which USEL offered, she went on to secure a permanent job. The participant stated “she felt happy and valued within this role”.
The participant also said,
“USEL team still check on me from time to time, to make sure everything is going well and continue to offer support and assistance if needed. Their support has most certainly had a positive impact on my mental health and has made such a difference to my life, for which I am very thankful.”