2022 ESF case study - Include Youth, Give and Take Start – delivery partner, Bangor Alternatives 1
Give and Take Start is led by Include Youth with delivery partners including Bangor Alternatives. The project aims to improve the employability skills and self-esteem of young people aged 16 to 24 who are not in employment, education or training (NEET), who face complex barriers to engagement, and who come from communities of greatest disadvantage. This programme assists young people in progressing into education, employment and/or training.
The project is part funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund 2014-2020 and the Department for the Economy.
Participant's story
In this case study Give and Take Start tells the story of a young person initially referred to Bangor Alternatives by the PSNI as he was associating with others involved in anti-social behavior and criminal activity, and who then progressed to participate on the Give and Take Start programme.
Through Bangor Alternatives restorative work, it became clear that the young person required intensive personal development and employability support, so a referral was made to Give and Take Start.
Person-centred support
The participant had been a school refuser, and hadn’t really been attending, for various reasons, since he was a young teenager.
Although keen to join Give and Take Start, as he hadn’t been in any form of education for so long, he had some trepidation. The programme provided this participant with a safe, small, person-centred and supportive approach to the learning and development environment and slowly he settled in and became more relaxed in the new surroundings. His confidence and self-esteem began to grow as a consequence of this, and he maintained his engagement on the programme.
Progression into further education
Covid-19 lockdowns impacted programme delivery severely, with the majority of delivery moving to virtual, however the participant still engaged well and continued to meet the worker outside of the office for socially distanced ‘walk and talks’. He was on Give and Take Start for three months and achieved literacy and numeracy qualifications, an OCN in Progression to Employment and completed an online first aid course. This provided the participant with the necessary qualifications to progress into further education at the local college.
The participant and other family members have said that his engagement and attendance at college would not be happening without the crucial support of the Give and Take Start programme and workers.