What is DfE’s role?
The Department for the Economy (DfE) is responsible for implementing appropriate policy that will support the development of renewable heat technologies.
NI Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) Schemes
In order to increase the proportion of heat generated from renewable sources, the department introduced the non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) in 2012 and the domestic RHI in 2014.
Domestic RHI
The domestic RHI scheme has now closed. For any further enquiries please contact dfemail@economy-ni.gov.uk
Non-domestic RHI
This scheme closed to new applicants on 29 February 2016.
The non-domestic scheme is administered by the energy regulator for Great Britain, Ofgem.
More useful links
- Guidance for non-domestic RHI applicants
- 2021 consultation on the future of the scheme
- 2020 tariff review report and consultation
- 2019/20 RHI Voluntary Buy Out arrangements
- 2019 Independent Research into Hardship - Non-Domestic NI RHI Scheme
- 2019 RHI Hardship Unit Call for Evidence
- 2018 consultation on the Future of the NI Non-Domestic RHI
- List of RHI non-domestic beneficiaries - individuals and companies
- Information on renewable energy - nidirect
- Renewable Heat Incentive for non-domestic customers - nidirect
- Northern Ireland (Regional Rates and Energy Act) 2019
- Northern Ireland (Regional Rates and Energy Act) 2018
- RHI Regulations 2012 - 2017 (legislation.gov.uk)
- Factsheet - Grants and other public support and state aid