Destinations of leavers from higher education

The statistical bulletins below are produced using data from the 'Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DHLE) surveys' collected by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA).

Destinations of leavers who obtained HE qualifications

The bulletins provide details of the destination of leavers from Higher Education (HE) who obtained qualifications at NI Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), and NI domiciled students who obtained qualifications at UK HEIs, for each academic year.

For each year destinations are recorded at six months after graduation. In addition a biennial longitudinal destinations survey is carried out three and a half years after graduation – results from this survey can also be accessed below.

The bulletins for the ‘2016/17 Destinations of Leavers’ six months after graduation’ and the ‘2012/13 Longitudinal survey’ are the final DLHE outputs. HESA has conducted a major review of the data it collects about the destinations and outcomes of graduates. This has led to the formulation of the new Graduate Outcomes survey, which will provide more comprehensive data that reflect recent changes in the HE sector and the graduate labour market. By asking graduates to take part 15 months after they finish their studies, Graduate Outcomes will give them more time to progress to a settled pattern of activity and enable them to provide richer insight into the contribution of the knowledge and skills they’ve acquired from their education. The first Graduate Outcomes outputs are due to be published by HESA in early 2020.

To view the statistical bulletins, please select the year required.

Six months after graduation

Three and a half years after graduation

Higher Education destination figures for all UK countries can be downloaded from the HESA website.

Quality of higher education statistics

Information on the collection, validation and quality assurance of higher education data and statistics, and the quality guidance used in managing the production of higher education statistics can be accessed from the following link.

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