Fact sheets
- Higher Education Age Participation Index for Northern Ireland - 1998/99 to 2021/22
- UCAS applicants and accepted applicants - 2013/14 to 2022/23
- Initial Teacher Training at NI HEIs - 2017/18 to 2021/22
- Enrolments at NI HEIs by equality categories - 2017/18 to 2021/22
- Enrolments at UK HEIs by country of institution and subject area – 2021/22
- Enrolments on STEM courses at NI HEIs - 2017/18 to 2021/22
- Enrolments on HE courses at NI HEIs and NI FE colleges - 1992/93 to 2021/22
- NI domiciled students enrolled on HE courses in the UK and ROI - 2017/18 to 2021/22
- First degree and postgraduate students with narrow STEM qualifications gained at NI HEIs (10X Strategic Goal) – 2017/18 to 2021/22
- Higher Education statistical fact sheets - open data tables
Contact details
Statistics and Research Branch (Tertiary Education)
Telephone: 028 9025 7609
Email: analyticalservices@economy-ni.gov.uk