Minerals and Petroleum
Responsibilities include: prospecting/development licensing; exploration leases; monitoring abandoned mines; engagement with local councils on Local Development Plans; geoscience information and services through Geological Survey NI.
Geological Survey of Northern Ireland Tellus Project
Details of the Tellus project including geochemistry and geophysics survey and data licensing details.
Minerals and Petroleum legislation, policy and statutory rules
Minerals and petroleum prospecting in Northern Ireland is permitted in accordance with specific legislation, policies and statutory rules
Minerals and Petroleum reports and statements
Annual reports and statements regarding minerals and petroleum licensing and activity and quarry returns.
Minerals and Petroleum licensing for exploration and extraction
Details on how to apply for licenses to explore for and extract minerals or petroleum.
Local Development Plans - input on minerals
DfE Minerals and Petroleum Branch and the Geological Survey for Northern Ireland are actively engaging with Councils with a view to informing their Local Development Plans in relation to mineral development and the management of abandoned mines hazards.