Launch of competition to appoint a Chair to Invest NI
Date published:
The Department for the Economy has launched a public appointment competition to appoint a substantive Chair to the Board of Invest NI.

It is important that people of all ages and from a wide range of backgrounds take up public appointments so that the Boards of public bodies reflect the rich diversity of our society and better understand the needs of the communities they serve.
This is an exciting opportunity to transform the Northern Ireland economy. Applications from women, people with a disability and those from ethnic minority communities would be particularly welcome. The Department operates the Guaranteed Interview Scheme for applicants with a disability.
The appointment attracts remuneration of £46,087 per year and the time commitment is approximately four days per month.
Details of the competition are available at the Invest NI - competition to appoint a chair
An application pack with full details and guidance may be obtained by emailing
Closing date for applications is 12 noon on Thursday 9 November 2023.
Notes to editors:
- The Department for the Economy (DfE) is running the competition in accordance with the Commissioner for Public Appointments for Northern Ireland (CPANI) Code of Practice.
- The Department is committed to the principles of public appointments based on merit with independent assessment, openness, and transparency of process. The Department is also committed to equality of opportunity and welcomes application forms from all suitably qualified applicants irrespective of religious belief, gender, race, political opinion, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or whether or not they have dependants.
- Applicants invited for interview are eligible for reimbursement of reasonable travelling expenses incurred within the UK and the Republic of Ireland.
- For more information on InvestNI please visit Invest Northern Ireland | The Regional Economic Development Agency for Northern Ireland (
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