Proposals for legislation relating to Common Arrangements for Gas

Consultation opened on 09 May 2011. Closing date 17 June 2011.


This Paper considers the proposals, and identifies how Common Arrangements for Gas (CAG) will be implemented in line with the guiding principles agreed with Regulators to establish all-island gas market arrangements where all stakeholders can buy, sell, transport and operate, develop and plan the natural gas market effectively on an all-island basis.


Consultation description

This paper seeks views and comments on the proposed implementation of legislation, principally related to the natural gas industry in Northern Ireland to:

  • harmonise gas networks in Northern Ireland with Republic of Ireland
  • provide greater competition and investment opportunities
  • reflect the European dimension to Regulator duties
  • enhance Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland security of gas supply
  • encourage market efficiencies

In order to implement Common Arrangements for Gas, primary legislation will be needed in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland to direct changes to Regulators’ functions so that a single system operator can function across the island of Ireland.

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