Design considerations for a Northern Ireland Smart Systems and Flexibility Plan

Consultation opened on 17 January 2024. Closing date 19 April 2024.


DfE is seeking stakeholders views on the shape of NI’s Smart Systems and Flexibility Plan (SSFP). The SSFP is a path forward for the policy developments needed to deliver the Executive’s Energy Strategy, and the energy side of the Climate Change Act decarbonisation targets.


Consultation description

DfE is asking for stakeholders’ views on the path forward to deliver a smart and flexible energy system, as part of NI’s path to net zero. The transition from a fossil fuel based energy system will require a wide range of flexibility to manage changing demand with our intermittent renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. DfE is asking stakeholders’ views on the policy issues which will need to be addressed in delivering this smart and flexible energy system. The Smart Systems and Flexibility Plan will not deliver any policy decisions itself, but it will set the path for the future policy developments which DfE and the Utility Regulator will need to provide.

The consultation is a long document, because it covers a very wide field, across almost all energy issues in NI.  The department does not expect respondents to be able to answer all of the many questions posed, and will be very pleased for respondents to address the areas in which they are comfortable providing their views and feedback.

Ways to respond

DfE would prefer respondents use the Citizen Space webpage which DfE has developed for the SSFP consultation, but email and digital responses would be acceptable. The consultation team does not have facilities for processing hard copy documents.

The Department for the Economy received requests to extend this consultation period so, in order to support well-considered responses, the department has decided to extend the consultation period by one week. 

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