EU Services Directive
The EU Services Directive aims to break down barriers to cross border trade in services between countries in the EU. Guidance is available for business, local and competent authorities along with documents relevant to the EU Services Directive.
An overview
The Services Directive make it easier for service providers, particularly small and medium sized enterprises, to offer their services to customers in other EU countries, whether establishing elsewhere in the EU or providing services remotely from the UK.
EU member states were required to implement the directive by 28 December 2009.
A link to the Directive is provided below, along with the accompanying handbook.
The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) is the lead Department with regard to the EU Services Directive.
Alternatively, call Sector Initiatives Branch at Department for the Economy on 028 9041 6903.
Information for business
The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has produced a guidance document aimed at businesses and advisers who are involved in the service industry, with the main exceptions of financial services, electronic communications, transport, temporary work agencies, healthcare audiovisual, gambling and social services.
It explains what the Provision of Services Regulations 2009 mean and how they apply in practice.
It tells you what your obligations are with regards to providing information to the users of your services; about the opportunity to apply online for authorisation and licences; and what to expect from the authorities that regulate your service business.
BEIS has produced a leaflet that sets out the information and requirements that the Directive introduces.
Information for local and competent authorities
Local authorities must screen local legislation and administrative practices to ensure that unnecessary barriers to service provision are removed.
The guide below sets out the implications of the Directive for local authorities and explains how they can comply with its requirements.
For the purpose of the Services Directive, a competent authority is a body that regulates specific activities related to service provision, or which is responsible for authorisations and/or other formalities (registers, licences, permits) with which a business must comply in order to establish and carry out business in the UK (whether it is a large business, a small or medium sized enterprise or a sole trader).
The guide below sets out the implications of the Directive for competent authorities and explains how they can comply with its requirements.
Further information can be accessed at the BEIS Services Directive website.