The project is part-funded by the European Social Fund Programme 2014-2020 and the Department for the Economy.
Successful work placement
With support from Triangle, this participant, who has learning disabilities, successfully completed a work placement before securing a job as a personal shopper, picking items for customers who shop online.
A relative says working is making a huge difference to the participant’s confidence and goes on to say that the work placement has "done wonders” for the participant before adding,
“They have made her a much more confident person. She is more happy and content in herself now. She often talks about her friends from work."
The participant's viewpoint
The participant says she loves working.
She said,
“Working is fantastic. All my colleagues are so lovely and it’s great being part of a team. It also gives me financial independence. I would say to anyone looking for work to just go for it and do your best!”
Employment Officer viewpoint
The participant’s Triangle Employment Officer says it has been great to see how she has progressed, stating that the work placement has “been fantastic” and explained,
“Her confidence has just grown and grown since she has been with us, especially her interactions with colleagues, managers and myself. She is now more confident and comfortable in her surroundings. She did have some difficulties adapting to any changes, but as her confidence has grown she has dealt with changes so much better. She loves her job as it gives her financial independence as well, so she can afford nice things such as going on holiday. We are so happy to see that she is still enjoying her role as much as when she started and we would like to thank all her colleagues for making this such a brilliant journey for her.”
Triangle’s Progression to Employment continues to assist the participant throughout her career via one-to-one coaching support to help her make the most of her employment. The project tells us, “It is always rewarding to hear such a successful story and we wish her the best of luck!”
The participant’s line manager said, "She is a really valued member of our team here and we are very proud of her. She does not let her learning disability affect her at work at all.”