Significant progress sets firm foundations for economic plans: Murphy
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Economy Minister Conor Murphy today said that significant progress has been made in delivering the first 12 months of his economic plan.
He said:
“When I took office I set out a clear direction with four key priorities: to increase the number of good jobs, to raise productivity, to decarbonise our economy, and to drive forward regional balance.“My Department, together with our partner organisations, recalibrated its plans and interventions to support this new direction.”
With a firm focus on action and delivery in the last 12 months, Minister Murphy said he is confident that the north of Ireland is now pointing in the right direction for economic development.
The Department has published a year one progress report on the Minister’s economic priorities.
Minister Murphy explained:
“This progress report gives a flavour of the progress that’s been made, which includes bringing forward a ‘Good Jobs’ consultation, the launch of a Sub-Regional Economic Plan and announcing a new £12million Skills Fund.“I also put a strong focus on tourism, established funding ratios for our all-island bodies, and established the Ulster University Magee Expansion Taskforce which published its Action Plan in December.
“Decarbonisation was also a key focus, with a range of new initiatives introduced, including a new £21million fund to offer support to local businesses to purchase and install energy efficient equipment that will help to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions.”
Concluding, the Minister said:
“My focus has been on delivery through positive engagement and co-design with experts, practitioners, trade unions, the community and voluntary sectors, and business bodies.“The strategic direction for our economy has been set and the momentum that has been built up will continue to drive delivery in the remaining two years of this mandate.”
The year one progress report on the Minister’s economic priorities is available on the DfE website.
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