On 5 June 2019 the European Commission made The Electricity (Recast) Directive [(EU) 2019/944] on the internal market for electricity which applies from 1 January 2021 and has a transposition date of 31 December 2020.
- Decision paper on Transposition of the 2019 Electricity (Recast) Directive ((EU) 2019/944) - response
- Decision paper on Transposition of the 2019 Electricity (Recast) Directive ((EU) 2019/944) - response table
- Consultation responses
- Consultation paper - Transposition of the 2019 Electricity (Recast) Directive
- Response form - Transposition of the 2019 Electricity (Recast) Directive
- Regulatory Impact Assessment - Transposition of the 2019 Electricity (Recast) Directive
- Rural Needs Impact Assessment - Transposition of the 2019 Electricity (Recast) Directive
Consultation description
While much of the scope of the Directive builds on policies and procedures brought forward in the 2009 Directive, it contains a number of new policies which require fresh consideration.
In this consultation paper the Department for the Economy seeks views and comments from stakeholders on a number of issues raised within the Directive and on our proposed approach to transposition.
The final legislation was published on 7 December 2020 is available at the link in the "Consultation Description" below.
The final legislation was published on 7 December 2020 and is available at:
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.