Public Appointments - FE college governing body members
Date published:
The Department for the Economy (DfE) wishes to appoint 32 new members to the Governing Bodies of the following further education colleges.
The vacancies are at:
- Belfast Metropolitan College - 4 Vacancies
- Northern Regional College - 7 Vacancies
- North West Regional College - 9 Vacancies
- Southern Regional College - 4 Vacancies
- South West College - 8 Vacancies
The appointment will be effective from December 2021 for a term of four years. The deadline for receipt of applications in all cases is 12:00 noon (UK time) on Thursday 19 August 2021.
These appointments are regulated by the Commissioner for Public Appointments, Northern Ireland (CPANI).
The links below provide background to public appointments:
You may also be interested in registering for a free workshop on the public appointments process being offered by CPANI.