Infographic - take up rate for High Street Spend Local Scheme to 22 October 2021

Date published: 27 October 2021

The second Infographic provides information on the take-up which is a comparison of those who have applied for the Spend Local card and been verified with the NI population aged 18 and over for the period 27 September to 22 October 2021.

The key points are:

At 22 October 2021:

  • There was a 79 per cent take-up rate of verified applications for the NI High Street Scheme compared to the NI population aged 18 and over.
  • 82 per cent of females and 77 per cent of males had applied and been verified for the Spend Local card.
  • 87 per cent of verified applications for the Spend Local card were from persons without a disability and 13 per cent were from persons with a disability. This compares to an estimate of 28 per cent for the prevalence of disability in the population2.
  • 74 per cent of those aged 18-34 had applied and been verified for the Spend Local card compared to 81 per cent of those aged 35-49, 83 per cent of those aged 50-64 and 81 per cent of those aged 65 and over.
  • The take–up rate of verified applicants with a valid postcode3 for the NI High Street Scheme was highest (84 per cent) in Ards & North Down Local Government District and lowest (73 per cent) in Belfast Local Government District.

2 Data on limiting long-term illness for those aged 16+ from the Continuous Household Survey 2019/2020.

3Note 1,143 applicants have been removed due to not having a postcode which matches a postcode in the postcode directory

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