DfE Business Plan 2021-22
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This year’s business plan concentrates on a limited number of key targeted strategic priorities to be delivered in the short-term such as our Energy and Skills Strategies, progressing Project Stratum, delivering key Covid-19 interventions, and delivering the economic recovery package. The priorities outlined in the Business Plan will contribute towards Programme for Government Outcomes when agreed.
Since development work on the business plan began, the department launched a longer term vision of a ‘10X Economy’ which embraces innovation to deliver a ten times better economy with benefits for all our people.
Commitments in the plan such as progressing our Skills Agenda and developing an Energy Strategy will also signify our first steps towards realising our ambitious ‘10X Economy’ vision.
This vision builds upon the Economic Recovery Action Plan and sets out the long term path for economic growth over the next ten years. This longer-term strategy will be more fully reflected in work programmes and annual business plans in future years.