DfE Business Plan 2019-20
Date published:
Last updated:
This plan was approved by the Minister for the Economy on 21 February following her appointment - the department is working towards delivery of the objectives specified in this plan, within the limits of the financial and other resources allocated to the department for the current financial year.
A mid-year progress update was agreed by the departmental board on 31 October and published on 8 November.
The Quarter 3 progress updates to the 2019/20 Departmental Business Plan were agreed by the Departmental Board at its meeting on 30 January 2020.
Seven strategic objectives
The Plan is structured under the Department’s seven strategic objectives and it contains 54 key actions that DfE will aim to deliver during 2019/20.
At 31 December 2019:
- 34 actions are rated green (on track)
- 18 actions are rated amber (at risk of slippage)
- 2 action is rated red (unlikely to be achieved within the target date).