Twenty high quality training places on PwC Professional Services Assured Skills Academy

Date published: 10 January 2023

The Department for the Economy today has announced 20 high-quality training places on the latest PwC Professional Services Assured Skills Academy.

PwC Professional Services Assured Skills Academy
PwC Professional Services Assured Skills Academy

Funded by the Department and focusing on professional services this Assured Skills Academy is open to individuals who have been awarded at least a Level 5 qualification (Higher National Diploma (HND) or Foundation Degree).

Successful applicants will gain training and skills in areas such as project management, business analysis, commercial awareness, financial accounting, Microsoft and Google tools, data visualisation and design thinking during eight weeks of industry-relevant training delivered by Belfast Metropolitan College (BMC). Training will be a blend of onsite and online learning.  

Welcoming the Academy, Graeme Wilkinson, Director of Skills Strategy at the Department for the Economy, said:

“Following previous successful Professional Services Academies I am delighted to be able to announce a further Academy with PwC. This Academy will provide a great opportunity for those with the necessary qualifications to compete for jobs in the growing professional services sector.

“Building our local skills base is a key part of our economic recovery and as we move into a decade of economic transformation around the Department’s 10X Economic Vision, the Assured Skills model of providing pre-employment training in partnership with employers and further and higher education providers has proven to be a successful model for strengthening our local skills base and investing in skills is essential to grow our economy.” 

Deborah Stevenson, Operate Director at PwC, commented:

“As we start 2023, we are incredibly proud to launch our 23rd Assured Skills Academy in collaboration with Belfast Met and the Department for the Economy. These academies continue to demonstrate our level of commitment and investment in building talent fit for a growing market and we are undoubtedly benefiting from the rich and diverse experiences of Academy participants.”

Louise Warde Hunter, Principal and Chief Executive of Belfast Met, said:

“As a multi-award-winning College, Belfast Met is proud to be a skills engine for our economy. This programme provides vital jobs in growth sectors, equipping learners, driving innovation and transforming lives by providing a vital stepping stone for participants into great careers.

“I am delighted that Belfast Met is continuing to deliver this successful series of Academies. The Academies allow participants to gain new life-changing skills to move forward into successful jobs and careers as a result. As a College we commend PwC for offering these highly skilled roles and we look forward to continuing to deliver this DfE programme in partnership with PwC and to welcoming our new cohort of learners.”

Participants will receive a weekly training allowance of £155 and may also be reimbursed for travel expenses.

Applications for the PwC Professional Services Assured Skills Academy are now open and will close on 10 February 2023.

More information and how to apply can be found on the nidirect website.

Interviews will be held on 21, 22 and 23 February 2023 and will entail a video interview. Training will commence on Monday 13 March, finishing on Wednesday 10 May 2023 and applicants should be available for the duration of the training period. Successful Academy participants will be guaranteed an interview with PwC on completion of the training.

Notes to editors: 

1. Assured Skills is a pre-employment training programme run by the Department for the Economy. More information is available on the Department's Assured Skills programme page.

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