Lyons launches board member competition for Construction Industry Training Board Northern Ireland

Date published: 10 February 2022

Economy Minister Gordon Lyons has launched a public appointment competition to recruit 10 board members to the Construction Industry Training Board Northern Ireland (CITB NI).

Public appointment competition to appoint CITB NI Chair.
Public appointment competition to appoint CITB NI Chair.

CITB NI aims to encourage the training of those employed or seeking employment within the Northern Ireland construction industry. It provides training with a wide selection of industry employers and bodies with their own needs and requirements. The board uses combined industry resources to support critical skills and interventions that would not otherwise be available.

Commenting on the recruitment competition and encouraging applications from those with the necessary skills Economy Minister Gordon Lyons said: “The Construction Industry Training Board Northern Ireland has a vital role to play in seeking to influence the provision of training and skills in the construction sector. As our economy continues to recover following the effects of the pandemic successful candidates will play an important part in helping to support the construction sector and sustain our aim of building a modern economy. 

“Supporting our current and future workforce with strong skills and learning opportunities is essential for the long term career development of individuals within the sector.

 “If you have a passion for growing the future of the construction sector in Northern Ireland and have the skills required then please consider applying.’’

Five employer and five employee member posts are available with appointments by 1 July 2022 for an initial three-year term.

Applications are particularly welcomed from women, people with a disability and those from minority ethnic communities as these groups are currently under-represented on public boards across Northern Ireland. A Guaranteed Interview Scheme for applicants with a disability will operate for this competition.

The closing date for applications is 12.00 noon on Friday 4 March 2022.

For further information see: Department for the Economy public appointments page.

Alternatively, contact DfE Public Appointments Unit by phone on 028 9025 7634 or by e-mail at

Notes to editors: 

1. The Construction Industry Training Board Northern Ireland is a Non-Departmental Public Body and reports to the Department for the Economy (the sponsoring department). The Board consists of a Chairperson and 12 members. Further information on the Construction Industry Training Board Northern Ireland can be found on the CITB NI website

2. This is an open competition that involves an application form and interview. The competition is being run in accordance with the Commissioner for Public Appointments, Northern Ireland Code of Practice. Independent assessment, openness and transparency are integral parts of the process. The Department for the Economy is committed to equality of opportunity for all individuals and applications are welcome regardless of gender, age, marital status, disability, religion, ethnic origin, political opinion, sexual orientation, or whether or not you have dependents.

3. Appointments will be made on merit from those individuals who best satisfy the following three essential criteria: Setting the Strategic Direction, Collaboration and Partnership, Leadership plus a choice of either Good Governance or Effective Decision Making. The criteria are all of equal weight. Applicants will be required to provide details of how to meet the relevant definition of an employer member, an employee member, or an educational member.

4. The posts attract remuneration of £77.50 for under 4 hours per day and £155.00 for over four hours per day (under review). The estimated total time commitment is approximately 15 days per year.

5. To keep up to date with news from the Department you can follow us on the following social media channels:

  • Twitter – @Economy_NI
  • Facebook – @EconomyNI
  • Skills to Succeed Facebook – SkillstoSucceedni
  • Instagram – economy_ni
  • LinkedIn – Department for the Economy NI

6. For media enquiries contact the Department for the Economy Press Office at

7. The Executive Information Service operates an out-of-hours service for media enquiries only between 1800hrs and 0800hrs Monday to Friday and at weekends and public holidays. The duty press officer can be contacted on 028 9037 8110.

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