Investment in mobile infrastructure and technology is crucial – Lyons

Date published: 23 June 2022

Economy Minister Gordon Lyons has today published the Mobile Action Plan for Northern Ireland (MAP NI).

Economy Minister Gordon Lyons
Economy Minister Gordon Lyons

The Mobile Action Plan for NI was developed by a cross sector working group who were tasked with establishing the barriers to the roll-out of mobile technologies and to provide solutions.

Speaking after the publication Minster Lyons said:

“Access to high quality digital connectivity is a priority for many of us. Modern society demands reliable and fast communication networks to not only drive economic activity but also to help people stay in touch with friends and family and enjoy their leisure time. Affordable, secure digital infrastructure is therefore essential to both individuals and businesses alike.

“Although telecommunications policy is not devolved to Northern Ireland it is essential we recognise the importance of mobile connectivity and work to create the right environment to encourage further investment in mobile infrastructure and promote innovation in mobile technologies.

“One of the main barriers to mobile roll out is concerns from the public in regards new mobile technologies. A key recommendation from the plan is for the Department to investigate this issue and provide better information to decision makers, the public and businesses which may help to allay any fears. My Department will therefore be taking forward the development of a Stakeholder Engagement Strategy to help people better understand new mobile technologies and the advantages, opportunities it brings and the benefits to our economy.”

The Minister added:

“I am pleased to not only be able to publish this plan but also give a commitment that the delivery of the recommendations/ actions included within it have been agreed by all other working group members on behalf of their organisations.”

Notes to editors: 

  1. A copy of the Mobile Action Plan can be accessed on the Department for the Economy website
  2. The Department for the Economy led the cross sector working group which included representatives from relevant NICS Departments responsible for areas that impact mobile technology roll out as well as from local government (NILGA and a number of local council representatives), Ofcom, the communications regulator and the Department of Culture Media & Sport (DCMS)
  3. To keep up to date with news from the Department you can follow us on the following social media channels:

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