DfE Careers Advisers available to help you make the right choices

Date published: 17 January 2023


Whether you are in or out of work, changing job, or interested in retraining, the Department for the Economy’s Careers Service can help.

Christina Kelly, Deputy Head of Careers Service
Christina Kelly, Deputy Head of Careers Service

Free career guidance is available to people of all ages, with professionally trained Careers Advisers able to help you make informed decisions about education, training and employment.

Deputy Head of DfE’s Careers Service Christina Kelly said:

“Knowing what potential learning, development and employment options are available to you can be crucial in making the right decisions for your future.

“In the Careers Service we take pride in helping people understand the various pathways in front of them so that they can make choices that will lead to a fulfilling career.

“The Careers Service offers advice to anyone at any stage of life. Indeed in 2021/22 we delivered more than 15,000 careers services to adults.

“A significant proportion of these engagements led directly to people making the choice that is right for them – whether that be electing to upskill or reskill at a local further education college, or having the confidence to apply for that dream job that has become available.

“Why not get in touch with us to look at your options for 2023 – we are ready to listen and help.”

You can contact a Careers Adviser by phone, webchat, via an online form, or in person at a local Careers Service office.

Visit nidirect to find out more.

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