Competition to appoint new members to the Board of Tourism Northern Ireland begins
Date published:
The Department for the Economy today launched a public appointments competition to recruit two new members to the Board of Tourism Northern Ireland (TNI).

Tourism NI is responsible for the development of Northern Ireland as a tourist destination as well as being responsible for the promotion and marketing of Northern Ireland as a tourist destination within Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. TNI’s vision is to confidently and passionately champion the development and promotion of the Northern Ireland experience.
Individuals who have the essential skills of Financial Acumen, Governance and Performance Management, Customer Focus and Working in Partnership at a Strategic Level are encouraged to apply. No specific academic qualifications are required for the posts.
The Department wishes to appeal to individuals from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. We would particularly welcome applications from people with a disability and those from ethnic minorities as they are currently under-represented on the Board.
The Department will operate a Guaranteed Interview Scheme for applicants with a disability.
This is an open competition which involves an application form and interview. Appointment will be based on merit against the essential criteria. Closing date for receipt of applications is 5.00pm on Friday 31 March 2017.
One appointment will commence on 1 July 2017 and one on 1 February 2018, and the term of the appointment for both will be for three years.
Board Members are expected to attend Board meetings a minimum of one day per month and to serve on one or more sub-committees of the Board. In addition, the successful candidates will be expected to attend other events including occasional evening engagements which may entail an overnight stay.
Remuneration is £5,150 per annum plus travel and subsistence expenses. Reasonable receipted dependant carer expenses will also be reimbursed where applicable.
Notes to editors:
- The Department for the Economy (DfE) is running the competition in accordance with the Commissioner for Public Appointments, Northern Ireland (CPANI) Code of Practice.
- Tourism Northern Ireland (TNI) is the trading name of the Northern Ireland Tourist Board (NITB). NITB is a statutory Non-Departmental Public Body established under the Development of Tourist Traffic Act (NI) 1948. Its constitution and continuation were affirmed in the Tourism (NI) Order 1992. TNI is funded by Department for the Economy (DfE) under Article 7 of the Order, from monies voted by the Northern Ireland Assembly.
- TNI is responsible for development of Northern Ireland as a tourist destination as well as the promotion and marketing of Northern Ireland within Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland (Tourism Ireland, set up under the Good Friday Agreement, has responsibility for marketing the island of Ireland overseas). The organisation’s mission is to build the value of tourism to the local economy. TNI currently has a budget provision of over £20million. Current board membership stands at nine (Chairperson and seven members (with one vacancy).
- If you would like to receive an Application Pack (with full details of the selection criteria and guidance on the application process), contact DfE Public Appointments Unit, Netherleigh, Massey Avenue, Belfast BT4 2JP, Tel: (028) 9052 9282 or (028) 9052 9918 . Textrelay: 18001 028 9052 9282 or 18001 028 9052 9918. You can also email or download an application pack from the DfE website
- Further information on TNI is available at TourismNI website.
- For media enquiries please contact the DfE Press Office, telephone 028 9052 9604. Outside office hours, please contact the Duty Press Officer via pager number 07623 974383 and your call will be returned. Follow us on Twitter @Economy_NI