Implementation of the EU Third Internal Energy Package

Consultation opened on 01 June 2010. Closing date 20 December 2010.


The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment seeks views and comments on the implementation in Northern Ireland of the third European package of Directives and Regulations on market liberalisation in the energy sector, in relation to the electricity and gas industry.


Consultation description

A number of changes are required to the arrangements governing Renewable Electricity Guarantees of Origin by 5 December 2010. 

These changes are required under Article 15 of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED). A copy of Article 15 is attached at Annex A to this consultation document.

The changes include:

  • changes to the definitions of energy from renewable sources and biomass
  • a change to the unit of measurement of a REGO from kilowatt hour to megawatt hour
  • an expiry date for a REGO of 12 months from first production of the electricity for which it is issued
  • a requirement for REGOs to be cancelled once used
  •  various changes to information to be included in the REGO

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