Designation of provisions of EU Regulations No.714/2009 and No.715/2009 as relevant requirements

Consultation opened on 14 November 2013. Closing date 02 January 2014.


Proposals to revoke and replace the designations made on 1 October 2012 under Articles 41A and 41B of the Energy (Northern Ireland) Order 2003 (‘the Energy Order’).


Consultation description

On 1st October 2012, the Department designated provisions of EC Regulation No 714/2009 (‘the Electricity Regulation’) and EC Regulation No 715/2009 (‘the Gas Regulation’) as relevant requirements under Articles 41A and 41B of the Energy (Northern Ireland) Order 2003 (‘the Energy Order’).

There have been amendments to the Electricity Regulation and the Gas Regulation since the designations were made, and in this consultation paper the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (the Department) sets out proposals to revoke and replace the existing designations to ensure that those changes are reflected in the new designations

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