Circular Economy Strategy for Northern Ireland

Consultation opened on 09 January 2022. Closing date 20 March 2023.


The Department for the Economy launched a public consultation on the draft Circular Economy Strategy for Northern Ireland in January 2023. The draft strategy sets out our vision to create an innovative, inclusive and competitive economy, with responsible production and consumption at its core. A Circular Economy will be a key enabler of the Department for the Economy's 10X Economic Vision for a decade of innovation.


Consultation description

The Draft Circular Economy Strategy public consultation response report is now available: Draft Circular Economy Strategy for Northern Ireland - Public Consultation Response Report

The draft Circular Economy Strategy for Northern Ireland is a starting point to make the transition from our current linear economy to a circular economy. It provides a vision, a target and direction of travel for what can be achieved with the right investment and commitment across government, business and society. This transition creates new economic opportunities to increase innovation through investment in research & development, skills and education to scale up our low carbon resource efficient economy.

This draft strategy shares the same priorities as the Department for the Economy’s 10X Economic Vision including building resilience to face any economic shocks, such as the current cost of living crisis. It will support innovation that will drive more responsible growth, creating new economic opportunities that reduce waste and carbon emissions. The benefits of which will be felt across all of our society.

Public consultation sessions

Online public consultation sessions were held on Thursday 2 February, Tuesday 7 February and Wednesday 1 March 2022.  

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