Social Economy Policy Group (SEPG)

The Social Economy Policy Group (SEPG) is a cross departmental group with responsibility for developing an integrated, cohesive and strategic approach to the social economy sector.
Membership is drawn from departments with a role in supporting the development of the social economy sector.

Social Economy Policy Group - terms of reference

1. The strategic importance of the social economy sector is reinforced in the NI Executive’s draft Industrial Strategy under 'Pillar 3 - Driving Inclusive Sustainable Growth' which commits to provide support to the social enterprise sector.

2. Members of the SEPG have been nominated by the NICS Board as the most appropriate officials to represent their respective departments as nominated "champions" for the SE sector, ensuring that input to SEPG and any associated strategies/action plans covers all appropriate departmental/Agency areas and will monitor and report on progress against relevant actions as required. Non departmental members include representatives from Local Government and NDPBs/ALBs as appropriate. 

3. SEPG members are expected to identify opportunities within their respective departmental policy areas where support for the SE sector might be strengthened through an agreed action plan within the context of the Executive’s Industrial Strategy. 

4. Members will also be the departmental contact point for all SE related matters.

5. All departments (and associated agencies) to review their programmes and policies to:

  • identify their impact (positive and negative) on the social economy.
  • bring forward proposals to develop their support structures and remove any obstacles.
  • exchange ideas and information.
  • contribute to the development and implementation of a more integrated, strategic approach to the SE sector.

6. Meetings, chaired by DfE Grade 5 with responsibility for social            economy policy, will take place on a six monthly basis, with DfE 10X Inclusion Branch providing the secretariat.


The membership is:

Organisation Members
Department for the Economy

Mark Lee
Elaine Colgan
Eimear Finlay
Angela Doherty

Department for Communities

Sharron Russell
Bebhinn Ni Bhriain

Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs David Reid
Department of Health Mark McGuicken
Department of Justice Paula O'Neill
Department of Finance Emer Morelli
Evelyn Judge
Department for Infrastructure Jackie Robinson
The Executive Office Stephen McGowan
Strategic Investment Board Esther Barnes
InvestNI Ethna McNamee
Northern Ireland Housing Executive TBC
SOLACE Jacqui Dixon
Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) Gina McIntyre

For further information on departmental representatives please contact 10X Inclusion Branch at

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