Project Stratum - premises considered for inclusion

Project Stratum is improving broadband connectivity, by upgrading broadband infrastructure to premises across Northern Ireland that cannot yet access Next Generation Access (NGA) broadband services. This page explains how the Department identified premises, before seeking information about the quality of broadband services available.

Information used

The premises considered during the Project Stratum open market review (OMR) and public consultation process were based on a list of premises provided by Land & Property Services.

For information on how the premises identified were assessed for availability of NGA broadband, please see Project Stratum – identifying eligible premises.

What to do if your premises is not deemed eligible

Deployment is now underway to make services available to the defined intervention area. Although the Department is not currently able to provide any additional subsidy that would allow us to intervene beyond that agreed intervention area, premises not currently included can still register interest with Fibrus Networks at HyperfastNI

Furthermore, Fibrus Networks has developed a Self-Build/Fund product whereby if a premises is within proximity of the network but not included in Project Stratum and there is a cost to connect them, a contribution from both Fibrus Networks and the end-user can be made to allow the property to connect to the new network. You can register your interest by emailing details to

The department notes that it is for individuals to assess whether this option is preferrable to waiting for a potential future intervention.

If you have any further queries, or if you think your premises should be included in Project Stratum, please contact the Project Stratum team at Please provide the full address and postcode of your premises, the current quality of available broadband, and dates indicating when your premises was built and when the property was first occupied.

We will endeavour to reply to your enquiry as soon as possible.

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