The project is part funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund 2014-2020 and the Department for the Economy.
Participant's story
Here, USEL tells us about a participant who joined the STRIDE project and how they benefitted from the support and guidance which was provided.
This participant joined the STRIDE programme having recently completed an OCR Level 2 Diploma in Business at a local College. He had also successfully achieved GCSEs at school and had completed a short work experience placement in an office environment.
The participant was ready to consider paid employment but was unsure how to go about aligning his skills and qualifications to the labour market. Along with his family, he did some research about what support was available to help him and is now glad that he chose to contact USEL after reading about STRIDE. The participant has a health condition and needed some help with identifying suitable employment opportunities in which he could embrace his identity, overcome barriers, and utilise his many strengths.
Accredited training
The participant immediately embarked upon accredited employability training which served to reinforce his aspirations about working in a customer focused role, as well as helping him grow in confidence in terms of interview skills. With support from his Employment Services Officer and Employer Engagement Officer he applied for an apprenticeship with a local bank. The participant attended a two-week boot camp and then successfully interviewed for a full-time position with the bank, during which he will complete a Level 2 in Providing Financial Services.
Ongoing support
The participant will continue to be supported by USEL through Workable NI and has settled into his new role. We are delighted for him as not only has he progressed into employment but has started an exciting career!